This is D2 Baraquada Design hotel in Pattaya .from DWP . 72 rooms with fresh design, is a cozy and vibrant twist of modern thai sophistication.
In true dusitD2 fashion, style meets substance in this award-winning* hotel in Thailand, and delightful surprises abound at every corner.
A bold experiment mixing the traditional with the contemporary, dusitD2 baraquda pattaya is an effervescent boutique hotel concept that combines thai flair with international standards creating a simply irresistible experience.This dusit hotel subscribes to images that sizzle. bold yet understated. colourful yet minimal. cool but cozy. sleek cool lines blend with appealing shapes and textures that accentuate the themes of water, air and light. the design is thoughtful, uplifting, relaxing and exudes an urbane touch weaving its way through the rooms, suites, pool, spa, lounges, restaurant and bars.
From DWP: As the world changes, so new lifestyles emerge, whether in the arenas of city living, dynamic retail concepts, or escapes from the city for relaxation and pleasure. dwp tracks the trends and changes impacting on our daily lives while evaluating how demographic patterns and social structures influence today’s living, leisure, and hospitality.
2009 év végén nyílt meg ez a 72 szobás design hotel a  D2 Baraquada amit a DWP építész iroda tervezett Pattaya belvárosába.A hotel enteriőrére jellemző hogy a  a hagyományos Thai ill. Ázsiai kultúrát vegyíti napjaink kortárs belsőépítészeti elemeivel .Hangulata színes mégis minimál közegben érezhetjük magunkat.A fő témák a víz a levegő és a fény amelyek vonzó formákban és textúrákban keverednek.

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