Blue Frog Lounge in Mumbai

2010.07.13. 15:54

Angle-Indian architects Serie have completed the Blue Frog acoustic lounge and studios in Mumbai, India. Everybody is going crazy about Mumbai's Blue Frog, opened earlier this year. It's a 1,000-square-meter complex that includes a club, restaurant, lounge, sound stage, recording studio and sound lab, all encased within the massive walls of an old warehouse in Mumbai's mill district. The Blue Frog Club interior may remind you of those delirious nights at the end-of-summer Exhibition with its midway games, roller coasters and dizzy-making rides. Or you may suddenly start channeling Queen Amidala, addressing the StarWarsian Senate from her floating pod. Luckily, Blue Frog does its dizzying job in a way that is totally stylish - not a tacky thing or overdone costume in sight. And everyone's table is definitely on level ground, although it does not appear so first.

Az év elején nyitották meg ezt a különleges belső enteriőrrel rendelkező klubbot  Mumbai-ban melynek tervezőcsapata a Serie volt.  Ez egy 1.000 négyzetméteres komplexum, amely magában foglal egy klubbot, éttermet, lounge-t,színpadot, stúdiót és sound lab-et. A Blue Frog egy raktárépületből lett klubb, ami egy Mumbai papírgyártó kerületben található.

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