Kansas City-based design studio Hufft Projects have completed the Curved House. Completed in 2009, this modern family home can be found in Springfield, Missouri.According to the architects: “The contemporary Missouri home is a modern residence with distinctive lines. Conceived in plan as a…

Enignum is an unusual wooden bed design with an overhead canopy. Elegant and stylish, this contemporary bed design not only offers a unique style to the bedroom but adds functionality and privacy with the canopy.Designed by Joseph Walsh, A self taught designer from Ireland, Enignum, like his other…

One of the creative and innovative furniture design ideas from HStudio can we see on this ultra modern globe bench design. This unique and original design concept has elegance and comfortable seating design furniture. The Globe bench furniture is handmade furniture through a wood frame structure and…

How do you want your living room to be? Is it smart and comfy? Or is it cozy and informal? Does it have minimalist furniture and styled with accessories? Does it have a dining area next to it? Is it big or small? Whatever the case, if you decide to decorate it, then do it with style. A lot depends…

This home in Vienna, Austria was built in the early 80ties. It belongs to a young and prolific entrepreneur who she recently ordered Najjar & Najjar interior decoration of the villa. The owner often works at home and income of its clients there. He also likes Lamborghini design styles and…

The Pipe House is a weekend get-away retreat by Butenko Vasiliy and Sergey Mahno located along the Black sea, just at the edge of the Crimean Mountains of the Ukraine. Planned as an oasis for rest and relaxation, the house has been divided into zones by opaque and translucent screens, allowing…

Blue Frog Lounge in Mumbai

2010.07.13. 15:54

Angle-Indian architects Serie have completed the Blue Frog acoustic lounge and studios in Mumbai, India. Everybody is going crazy about Mumbai's Blue Frog, opened earlier this year. It's a 1,000-square-meter complex that includes a club, restaurant, lounge, sound stage, recording studio and…

Madridban az 52 emeletes Cristal Tower- ben kapott helyet ez az iroda amelynek tervezője az A-cero csapata volt. Az iroda az 50.emeleten helyezkedik el és egy spanyol cég elnöki irodái és tárgyalója.A sötét tónusú  elegáns modern irodákban a klasszikus Fekete -  fehér az…

What’s better than modern design, fast food and Europe? How about; Nat. Fine Bio, the new chain opened in Hamburg, Germany by ins:eins Architects where the food is fast, but it’s also HEALTHY and organic! The design isn’t the only thing contemporary, but the whole environment is cutting edge,…

This Impressive Frame Bar was designed by architects Dimitris Tsigos. Frame Bar is the main bar of the st George lycabettus hotel, located in kolonaki, Athens. The main aim of the design was to recreate the usual typologies of chairs, benches, bars stands, tables and coffee tables using forms…

A 21.század közizlése inkább a világos tág terek irányába mozdult el ezért jó példa ez a Penthouse lakás amely sötét anyaghasználataival kitűnik a fent említett trendből , merész falburkolataival abszolút modern és irányt mutató design.

Banq restaurant is located at the base of the old Penny Savings Bank, in an early 20th century building abandoned for years in Boston. After the building's reconstruction two segments emerged, the front area programmed to be a bar and the larger hall which would serve as the dining area. Office dA…


2010.05.13. 16:00

Egy kis interior - Ez a Fürdőszoba igaz hogy 2007 -ben készült de mai napig nagy kedvencem.Visszafogott stílusa ill. ötletes anyagválasztásai miatt.

Tanulság Ma már minden megvalósítható itt pl. Coriánból - Gyönyörű - vagy nem?

süti beállítások módosítása