This lakeside house draws inspiration from the sensation of being sheltered underneath tree canopies. Working in collaboration with Guy Nordenson and Associates Engineers, DB developed a unique structural system of long-span, ¾”x16”x27’ plywood joists, which work in tandem with a series of…

Contemporary modern kitchens give us an enormous amount of leeway when it comes to the creativity we put into designing them. There are are certain rules of compliance in order for one to function properly but once that is established, the plethora of ideas and aesthetics available to materialize it…

Modern Eco-Friendly Kitchens

2010.07.25. 10:31

The Archikron presented some creative modern eco-friendly kitchen photos gallery to inspire you remodel or redesign your kitchen layout interior decor. There is an artistic style to packing as many functional kitchen furniture elements into a comfortable kitchen as potential, up till now retaining…

Located in the penthouse of a concrete high-rise on Aquatic Park. The original 4-bedroom/4-bath penthouse was a rabbit's warren of confusing rooms. In our re-design, rooms were combined and uses were re-assigned to allow the occupants to take advantage of the views looking north and south and…

Luna2 Private Hotel is located between the Oberoi hotel and Sofitel, on the Seminyak beachfront in Bali.Touch down at Luna2, a five-bedroom private hotel located on 1,600 sq m of pristine Seminyak beachfront in Bali. The first thing that strikes you is its Modernist design, a fusion of 1950s and…

Architects: Studio 27 Architecture – John K. Burke. The R|B House is a re-conceptualization of an end row house unit in Capitol Hill, Washington DC. The project furthers a continuing exploration in sustainable urban residential design. The existing two-story structure was originally built in…

High-end Hollywood property developer Steve Hermann has completed The Glass Pavilion, designed inside and out for buyers that include A-list stars and entertainment executives. The house comes complete with a personal showroom with enough floor space to house a respectable car collection.

Loft Hamburg is one of the projects they recently completed for Vanessa Kullmann. It was meant as a private residence and it is currently worth $200,000. The place is a display of dramatic furniture and unexpected angles, a wonderful approach to contemporary design. The centerpiece of the…

A  tervezők a házat az óceán közvetlen közelébe a Peregian Beach - re  álmodták meg . A fő koncepció az volt hogy a végletekig kihasználják az óceán parti létből fakadó végtelen kilátást.Ezt óriási eltolható üvegfelületekkel ,hatalmas teraszokkal próbállták…

Az osztrák építész Stephan Unger tervezését dicséri ez a szokatlan exterior-rel rendelkező Családi Villa, amely Villa San valentino nevet kapta és dél Tirolban, de az olasz részén az Alpok lábánál Merano-Alto Adige -ben található.Az építész törekedett arra hogy a modern…

Budapest egyik frekventállt kerületébe terveztük ezt a minimál stílusú közel 300 m2 alapterületű Családi Villát amelynek belsőépítészeti kialakítását nemrég fejeztük be .Az épület földszintjén találhatóak a család napközbeni tartózkodását szolgáló terek a nappali…

Here’s the contemporary masterpiece by Meissl and Delugan Architects, the luxury penthouse that is well known as ‘House ray1’ is a one of ultra modern structure located in Vienna. The designer goal is how to create the comfortable 21st century penthouse with futuristic shape and furniture.…

A The Orb ház az Ausztráliában élő Bojan Simic Tervei alapján épült fel  Melbourne- ben .Az épület gyönyörű keret nélküli üveg felületein szinte átlátunk a házon.A ház belső struktúrájához a Pompeji Építészet adta az ihletet csendes befelé élő ill. a központi…

Tanulság Ma már minden megvalósítható itt pl. Coriánból - Gyönyörű - vagy nem?

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