The Minimalist Warm and Clean Interior design from Poland - Modern családi ház belsőépítészet barnára hangolva
2012.05.04. 12:41
Look at This Minimalist Single family House Interior Design , near Toruń. by Tamizo Architects from Poland ,
Modern Bathroom Inspirations part 1 - Modern fürdőszoba ötletek
2010.08.24. 17:08
These ideas can come in handy for those thinking to remodel their bathrooms or for those who are building them up from scratch. Either way, these beautiful bathroom designs can work wonders for your home. There is nothing better to calm those jittery nerves than a soothing bath. Scented candles,…
Ludwig Penthouse in San Francisco, Ca. by Craig Steely
2010.07.16. 20:50
Located in the penthouse of a concrete high-rise on Aquatic Park. The original 4-bedroom/4-bath penthouse was a rabbit's warren of confusing rooms. In our re-design, rooms were combined and uses were re-assigned to allow the occupants to take advantage of the views looking north and south and…
In Dark - Modern enteriőr sötétre hangolva
2010.05.21. 19:35
A 21.század közizlése inkább a világos tág terek irányába mozdult el ezért jó példa ez a Penthouse lakás amely sötét anyaghasználataival kitűnik a fent említett trendből , merész falburkolataival abszolút modern és irányt mutató design.
2010.05.13. 16:00
Egy kis interior - Ez a Fürdőszoba igaz hogy 2007 -ben készült de mai napig nagy kedvencem.Visszafogott stílusa ill. ötletes anyagválasztásai miatt.