What’s better than modern design, fast food and Europe? How about; Nat. Fine Bio, the new chain opened in Hamburg, Germany by ins:eins Architects where the food is fast, but it’s also HEALTHY and organic! The design isn’t the only thing contemporary, but the whole environment is cutting edge, catering to those living a healthy, forward thinking lifestyle.
The design is equipped for different types of customers; those that are on the run can grab a bite in the front kitchen area, where counter tops give the customer a casual feel. Then there’s the standard dinging area where all furniture pieces form a mutual horizon by being the same height – creating a scenic, landscape-like space. And for the social customer you can enjoy the lounge area where individual green islands, allowing for varied seating configurations. Although it was planned to appeal to the typical inner city Happy Hour constituent. The lighting changes throughout the day to stimulate its atmosphere from daytime to a warm- sunset mood in the evening. The white furniture lies in contrast to the rustic oak floor and the columns are umbra-grey in color; to accentuate, the upholstery is a fresh, light green. The design is in perfect harmony with the natural, organic foods that come through the kitchen!
Nagyon szép letisztult belső jellemzi az Einszueins architekten belsőépítész munkáját.A koncepció a természet jön a városba - egy olyan étteremlánc design kidolgozása ahol a bio élelmiszereket gyorséttermi környezetbe helyezik a legmodernebb technológiával figyelembe véve a fenntarthatósági követelményeket .

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