NYLO Hotels is another hotel that plans to bring the loft concept to hotels but at a cheaper price point. The first NYLO hotel will debut in Plano, Texas designed by Dopuox design.The hotels offer allergen-resistant guestrooms and the Pure Floor, which will have guest rooms which have gone through a…

Its a most creative luxury hotel with beautiful interior, here you can choose the room which suit with your favorite characters. Spoil yourself by being the agent 007 or Alice in wonderland Marie Antoinette, Alice etc. In Seven Hotel, located in Paris, France you’ve got 28 suits decorated in…

Bella Italia is a wine store as well as a restaurant. The owner is a typical warmhearted Sicilian woman. While selling the products of her home country and offering a creative home-style cuisine on an upscale level she transfers the Italian spirit to Germany. "Bella Italia Weine" was run for many…

While developers Adam DeVito, Rami Hakim, and Blakely Page were researching for their fast-casual concept they happened upon Flurt, a New York frozen yogurt chain with a very cool look, courtesy of local firm Scalar Architecture. They gave principal Julio Salcedo a call, and so Recess, a…

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