Feldbalz designed by Gus Wüstemann, a three-storey sculpture that contains the family life overlooking the Lake Zurich, Switzerland, where everybody meets and circulates on the first floor.The sculpture separates the parent’s area which is on the top and the children’s area which lies underneath. The children live in the garden where everything is white, happy, but protected by the family sculpture. There is the access to the garden and the pool, the playing, active area. The main living area is connected to the garden by a concrete garden sculpture, which is a tribune with a great view, to rest and have a drink with friends.To protect the views into private areas, all facades towards the neighbours are made out of translucent polycarbonate. On the east they created an interior, private courtyard, and to the south they put sliding screens with no frames or other boring boarders resulting on an opening of 11 meters.
The kitchen is a block you unfold to cook, the shower is behind a light sculpture you can open. There are no walls or recognisable architectural elements, you are either in the public figure, above it or underneath it.

Gyönyörű panorámával rendelkező minimál villát tervezett  Gus Wüstemann , Svájcba a Zurich tó partjára . A feszes vonalú ház 3 szinttel rendelkezik a földszinten kaptak helyet a gyerekek , az első szinten a nappali , konyha étkező kapcsolat vendég szoba terül el ,míg a legfelső emeleten a szülői háló és az ahhoz tartozó garderobe és fürdő.
A ház érdekessége a szoborszerű megjelenése mellett a szomszédok felé beépített polikarbonát fal amely a kíváncsi tekintetek elől rejti el a ház intimebb részeit.

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