Construction cranes can be seen all over Manhattan and construction has just begun on one the cities latest architectural inspirations located in trendy Tribeca. “Five Franklin Place” by Dutch architect Ben van Berkel of UNStudio has all the marking of a hit in the Big Apple. Architecturally interesting, dark, sleek and ever so slightly subtle with its visual impact, this space cleverly uses its staggered black metal facade to obscure the activities of its residence, unlike most fishbowl style glass towers we are used to seeing. The interior takes some interesting design direction as well. Van Berkel adds “The apartments at Five Franklin Place do not follow a strong grid. They are organically designed in how the stairs swoop upward, how the balcony loops you back indoors. There’s an idea of looping around the apartments, without many dead ends, so that all of the space really accommodates life and the flow of life.”
the building will contain 55 apartments ranging in size from approximately 1,200 square feet to approximately 3,400 square feet. There will be three types of home: the loft residences on the lower floors, city residences above and three sky penthouses. Fixtures for kitchens and bathrooms have been designed by van Berkel and manufactured by B&B Italia.

Nemsokára elkészül New York egyik Trendi városrészébe Tribecába a Five Franklin Place névre halgató " Lakótorony" amely terveit Ben van Berkel és az UN Studio szállította.Az épület érdekessége az aszt körbefogó és azt látványilag össztartó fekete metál acél szalag amely egyedi arculatot ad az épületnek.Az épületben 55 Appartman , városi rezidenciák több Loft és 3 Sky Penthouse, és egy Wellnes központ kapott helyet.

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