The Z-house was designed by Hohyun Park + Hyunjoo Kim, Located in Gwangju Si, Gyeonggi-Do, South Korea.- where is 30Km away from center of Seoul.

Surrounded by small houses, it is at the top of a hill with deep slope. First thing to consider is to keep woods on west side of the site. Available area of the site is limited by the woods. Facing a view of mountains on south side, the building is located.
In composition of space, relationship among programs and circulation are played important role. Ground level, which is divided by kitchen/Dining and living area and upper level, which is divided by children rooms and master zone are crossing at division area. By this manner, space is gradually ascending from entry to master zone.
Next thing to consider is to make dynamic space by changing size of space and by leading sight. High ceiling at the entrance corridor is more emphasized by sunlight through skylight and a wall, which is faced at the end of corridor, inducts eye to dining area. At this point, the ceiling height is suddenly changed by overhead ramp. High ceiling living area appears through low-rise 3step staircase, which is crossing outside water pond and inside plant area. From living area, space bifurcates to library at lower level and to upper level. Master zone, where is a climax in space scenario, is connected by a corridor and a ramp from children’s room at upper level. Master bedroom is entered through open bathroom and powder room and reconnected to entrance corridor.
Shape of the building is planned to follow the space scenario and roof, which is covered by black zinc is wrapping around upper level mass and form a homogeneous and muscular shape. Contrarily, lower level masses, which are covered by basalt, stand rigidly. Water pond and inner plant space are inserted at the crossing point of lower level mass and upper level mass.

Nagyon érdekes designt adtak tervezőik ennek a Modern Z alaprajzú háznak tervezőik  Hohyun Park + Hyunjoo Kim. A ház Dél kóreában , szöultól 30 km-re épült fel egy domb tetején ,az erdő szélén .A ház alsó szintjén találhatóak az étkező-konyha nappali a felső szinten pedig a háló ill. a gyerekszobák.A ház legmarkánsabb része a fekete cinklemezzel fedett tető amely méltóképpen fedi le ezt az igazán különleges exteriőrű házat.

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