Álmaid házának vagy lakásának megtervezését és kivitelezését is nyugodtan ránk bízhatod, magasan képzett és sokat tapasztalt szakember gárdánkkal állunk rendelkezésedre ....Kérj tőlünk ajánlatot még ma, hogy álmaid bosszúság mentesen , korrekt áron , maradéktalanul…

The Cocoon House at Jeju island, Seoul is home architecture inspired volcanic living in amazing Korean home planning. In their home planning gallery created a wonderful techniques for Cocoon house decor of Korean home architecture. Architect describe in nature home building like cocoon for protect…

From Arch.: The Alendal Summer House is an object adrift in the landscape, set upon a remote rocky promontory overlooking the Vignafjord, to the South of Bergen.  The house is intended to provide an equal amount of internal space and external covered space. Credits: Todd Saunders with Attila…

This interesting store pictured is Fornarina, an Italian shoe and clothing store in Las Vegas, Nevada. The interior was designed by Giorgio Borruso, a young Italian architect. The surrealistic interior helps the store stand out among other opulent architecture and interior designs in Las Vegas,…

We all know the level of details that CG artists are able to achieve today with sophisticated 3D softwares and renderers. In this post, we feature a set of inspirational renders that showcase the brilliance that exist in this industry. Most of the houses shown below are in the midst of dreamy fairy…

We all know the level of details that CG artists are able to achieve today with sophisticated 3D softwares and renderers. In this post, we feature a set of inspirational renders that showcase the brilliance that exist in this industry. Most of the houses shown below are in the midst of dreamy fairy…

A Thai befektetőktől azt a feladatot kaptuk hogy egy olyan 7 szintes Condoniumot tervezzünk amely megfelel egyszersmind az Ázsiai közizlésnek mint pedig a globális építészeti izlés világnak. Az épületben helyet kapott 75 lakás a studiolakástól a penthouse-ig,  Wellnes…

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