The Exciting Yacht House Design in Singapore by Aamer Architects - Izgalmas ,Yacht-ra hajazó luxus villa kialakítás
2012.03.22. 14:11

A sculptural metal ‘drum’ anchors the ‘ship’ to the ground and houses the toilet/shower and barbeque pantry.The house is surrounded with lawns and greenery. The white exterior is wrapping around the wood and glass interior featuring floor to ceiling glass walls and doors. The beautiful mosaic outdoor shower has a round shape made in wood and an access to the poolside terrace. Roof gardens and timber decks provide added insulation from the sun.,
The Minimalist Weekend Residence by Edward Ogosta Architecture - Modern Minimalista hétvégi ház Kaliforniából
2012.03.21. 10:27

The elevated sleeping quarters alters the dwellers sensation of sleeping and waking, intensified by natural events including the earth's movement, slowly rotating under the stars. to access the common areas of the home, vertical circulation ranging from a ladder to spiral, switchback or shallow riser stairs connects directly to the common area. The spaces are loosely defined and enclosed with frameless glass walls allowing a permeable relationship with the swimming pool and landscape beyond.

sivatagában található. Az épület különleges elhelyezkedésének köszönhetően az épület négy tornya a téridő élményeinek tapasztalására irányul, mint például a reggeli napfelkelte keleten,a déli hegyláncvonulatok,míg nyugaton az esti városi fényekben, és a csillagos égben gyönyörködhetünk. A legfelső szint hálószobájában kizárólag egy ágy található,a családtagok így személyes igényeiknek megfelelően változtathatják át otthonukat. Ezt az 'alvókunyhót' a lakók alvási igényeihez igazítva tervezték. Az ottlakók ébrenlét és alvás érzetét a természeti történések is fokozzák,beleértve a Föld mozgását, lassú forgását.Az otthon közösen használt részeinek megközelítése miatt a lépcsőfok függőleges spirál alakja,és az alacsony lépcsőfok magasságok közvetlenül kapcsolódnak ezekhez a területekhez. A térközöket egy váz nélküli üvegfallal
kerítették be,átjárhatóságot biztosítva ezzel az úszómedencéhez és a mögötte elterülő tájhoz.
Villa Midgård in Stockholm, Sweden by DAPstockholm - Kortárs , Modern családi ház Svédországból
2012.03.18. 10:03

The Modern Simple Family house from Stacked Stone by Peter Legge Associates - Modern kőház Írországból
2012.03.15. 14:26

The Modern Geometrical Family House in Moscow by Atrium - Modern geometrikus családi ház projekt Moszkvából
2012.03.13. 15:05

Az Atrium építész iroda által tervezett Gorki-ház szinte egybeolvad a Moszkva egyik hegyoldalán elterülő, gyönyörű környezetével. Az építészeket azzal bízták meg,hogy a környező fenyőerdő és a ház közötti 'kapcsolatot' továbbra is megőrizve kortárs lakhelyet tervezzenek a fiatal pár és gyermekük részére.
Az épület egyik sajátossága hogy a hatalmas ablakok , és teraszok tökéletesen kapcsolódnak a külső térhez.
Az épület formája igen eredeti,amely a ház terének ügyes és megnyerő játékából áll. Az Arch Daily szerint, a belsőépítészet a külső sémát követi,ahogy a 'közösségi területek és a privát zónák szinte egymásba
olvadnak'. A szobák - a modern bútorberendezéssel, valamint az inspiráló dekoratív részletekkel - nagyon levegősek és tágasak.

The Modern Minimalist Private House in Suffolk ,UK by Storm Architects - Minimál stílusú vidéki ház Angliából
2012.03.12. 15:57

The clients’ brief is for a country house – ‘a dream in a wood’, a peaceful place to relax, regenerate, and think of new ideas. The existing site with the pool, its ruins and low walls has a very strong presence, and we wanted to keep this as an important part of the site. The design is linear and has picked up on the building form – the ‘long cottage’ – found in the nearby village, and we see the design as an evolution of this.

The building sits above the ruins and the edge of the pool, as to respect the current site, but also to deal with the floor level that is required, due to the potential flood risk. The building is also set like this so that it can be read on its own, and thus touch the existing site lightly. The building is orientated towards the west-south-west, and sits on an angle above the existing ruins facing the best views as well as creating a clear juxtaposition of geometry to the ruins.
A two-storey element punctures through the roof, and contain a master bedroom suite at the first floor. This is positioned towards the existing coach house, thus minimising the impact of the building on the more open site to the south. This two-storey element is recessed from both the west and east facades as to reduce the scale and the appearance of the building.
The building is entered via a bridge that spans the ruins. This sets up the whole philosophy of the house, even before you actually enter, as well as successfully dealing with safe egress form the house to higher land in case of a flood.
Black And White Apartment Remodel By Acero - Fekete , fehér minimalista lakás design Spanyol sztárépítészektől
2012.03.09. 11:22

The project is a duplex apartment integral alteration in a block of flats in a residential area of Galicia. The property had this housing in the city for sporadic stays as a second residence, because they live in Madrid.
It is a duplex apartment that occupies the last two floors in a block of flats that has 4 levels, with two apartments in each floor. This block, that has approximately 30 years of antiquity is placed in a residential area of the city, following the typical 80s urban development plans that were projected in the Spanish cities.
The apartment, with a 250 m2 built surface, has another peculiarity in its access, which takes place from the high floor. In this floor we have a big receiver that already indicates the intention of the reforms in the rest of the house. Only a few pictures, with a proper format according to the design of the rounded architectural forms, by the painter Mercedes Rodriguez, in blue and gray tones, together with a gray silk carpet, also with a particular form and a few shining steel balls of “A-cero in” break the monotony of the dominant white color. In the false roof an opening allows us to see the natural light through an already existing fanlight. This wide entrance hall distributes, on the one hand, the most public area, composed by a big dining room and, on the other side, a courtesy W.C, a bedroom in suite with a finished bathroom that can be for guests or for service and the kitchen. On the opposite side, there are the sculptural stairs that will lead us to the most private stays.

On the other hand, also in this floor, one more service area is located, with a courtesy W.C, a kitchen and a service or guest bedroom in suite with complete bath. The kitchen, which has an elongated disposition, was designed by A-cero just for its space, also characterized by the white colour, and emphasizes the Hi-Macs black desk. The cooking tops, also in white Hi-Macs like the daily dining room, and the furniture in high bright white lacquered wood. The domestic appliances Siemens and the extractor hood Pando, the Gessi bathroom fittings.
A sculptural staircase drives to the low part of the house where the principal bedroom in suite is located, with its own bath and dressing-room, and another two bedrooms.
In the bedrooms, the closets are lacked and in the principal bedroom the bed with surrounding headrest and small Capri model tables by A-cero in.
So, the final target of this project is improving the luminosity and the design. That’s the reason why the white colour is the best option in walls and floor… This combines with the black colour to emphasize some parts, creating sculptural volumes.

A lakás egy négyszintes panelház legfelső két szintjét foglalja el, mindkét szinten két-két apartmannal. Az épület ,amely a város lakónegyedében immár 30 éve áll, a tipikus 80-as évek városfejlesztési terveket követi,amely a spanyol városokban került megvalósításra.
A 250 m2 építési területű apartman másik furcsasága,hogy a ház bejárata a felső szinten található. Ezen a szinten található még egy nagy vendégváró amelyben Mercedes Rodriguez festményei hűen követik az épület
lekerekített építészeti formáit. A kék és szürke tónusok,a szürke selyemszövet,a különleges formák és a néhány fényes 'A-cero in' acélgömb megtöri a domináns fehér szín egyhangúságát. A tetőtéren egy falnyílásnak köszönhető hogy a természetes fény utat tud törni a már meglévő felülvilágító ablakon keresztül. Ez a széles bejárati előcsarnok megosztja egyrészt a fő társalkodót és az étkezőt, másrészt a mosdót, a hálószobát a hozzátartozó fürdőszobával /akár a vendégek számára/ és a konyhát. Az ellenkező oldalon egy szobrászi lépcsősor vezet minket az épület privát részéhez. A nappaliban,csakúgy mint a ház többi részében a fehér szín jut főszerephez,csak néhány elem, mint a lakkozott, fekete fakonzol, vagy az Ace-model díványok bársony, pezsgőtónusú kárpitozása törik meg a fehér egyhangúságát . Találhatunk még Csec model dohányasztalokat, és néhány 'Ipe Cavalli' fotelt.
Az ebédlőrész bútorai is 'IpeCavalli', csakúgy mint a fehér kárpitozású acél asztal és székek. Szintén ugyanezen a szinten található még egy pihenőszoba valamint egy mosdóval, konyhával és a teljesen felszerelt fürdővel rendelkező vendégapartman.
A meghosszabított elrendezésű, szintén A-cero tervezésű modern szinte high tech konyhát is a fehér szín és a Hi-Macs fekete pultok jellemzik. A fehér Hi-Macs főzőfelületek, csakúgy mint az ebédlőrész és a bútorok is fehérre lakkozott fából készültek. A háztartási készülékek Siemens gyártmányúak,a páraelszívó Pando , míg a fürdőszobai felszerelés Gessi. A szobrászi lépcsősor vezet minket a ház alacsonyabb részeihez,ahol a főhálószoba található saját fürdő-és garderobe szobával ,valamint még két másik háló.
A fő célja ennek a projektnek a dizájn és a fényesség tökéletesítése volt. Ez az oka annak hogy a falakon és a padlón miért a fehér szín volt a legjobb választás kombinálva a feketével , ahhoz hogy néhány részt hangsúlyozzanak és igazán szinte szobrászi volument létrehozva ezzel.

Modern Stone House in Ticino, Switzerland.- Modern kő ház minimalista belsőépítészettel
2012.03.06. 11:32

Minimalist Modern House in The Park by Splendid Architecture - Modern minimalista ház egy Hamburgi park közepén
2012.03.04. 13:02

Seen from the road, the house sits at the far end of an expanse of grass, tucked by the trees as if for protection and views out. Getting closer the S-shaped ribbon that meanders from roof to wall to floor to roof to wall and floor again (in two directions) acts like podium, raising the house above the landscape that it also integrates itself into. The U-shaped plan on the first floor locates living spaces up front and bedrooms with more privacy in the rear; between is dining. The bar above houses the master bedroom.
Of course, the most striking area where the house makes concessions to the trees is the small court near the front of the house. Here the tree rises from a gravel pit flush with the stone floor and pokes through a square opening in the roof above. Oddly this situation replaces the tree's canopy with the architectural one, meaning that those sitting in the court experience only the trees trunk, not its foliage. Instead one connects with the leaves from the house's interior and its roof terraces.
Built for a family of six, the house's generous living spaces are focused towards the central courtyard that is also marked by another mature tree. The varying levels of solidity and transparency, achieved through the use layers of stone and wood in front of glass walls, works towards issues of privacy in a house that is basically on display. With the expansive lawn fronting the house, an introverted focus with more transparency facing the courtyard makes sense. It also reinforces the importance of the trees that the architects worked so hard to preserve.
The Two-Storey House - Villa Rotonda by Bedaux de Brouwer Architecten - Kétarcú modern családi ház koncepció Hollandiából
2012.03.01. 16:15

The Contemporary LA House by Studio Guilherme Torres - Modern kortárs családi villa Braziliából
2012.02.28. 13:17

The all-white living room area which is located on the ground floor facilitates the linkage between the inside and the outside by means of large pivoting glass doors. Upon entrance to the living room you come face to face with the 1981 Galaga static arcade game wall, the wall stickers can fascinate everyone as they bring memories of the past to everyone; I can’t believe that there is any single person who could claim that they haven’t enjoyed this or any other arcade game! An oversized sofa in light grey compliments the capitone light blue oversized pouf which totals four square meters and is the centerpiece of this double height living room; a beige flokati shag rug runner scuttles 10meters parallel to the sofa and is frivolously placed on the polymer-cement floor. Iconic furniture such as Nelson Platform Bench – George Nelson, Zigzag – Gerrit T. Rietveld, Butterfly/Hardoy chair – Jorge Ferrari-Hardoy, Wassily Chair – Marcel Breuer, and the Cubo armchair - Jorge Zalszupin add the final touches to this magnificent interior.
Eegoo Offices by dEEP Architects in Beijing,China - Futurisztikus belsőépítészeti elemek egy kínai irodaházban
2012.02.27. 15:03

The new Beijing office for eegoo is the antithesis to the office typology where traditionally the cubical dominates the organization and shape of the program. As some will argue, form follows function. Conversely, what can be experienced is a flow of form and circulation generated by a cellular sequence. The cell structure generates a congruent office environment while enlisting a variable of juxtaposing functions not typically found in the typology. The Beijing eegoo office is a space for open discussions and decision making to be accord; an office where ideas can flow freely from the private to the public, from cell to cell.
A nodal organization sequence is given to the program, in which generated cells range in size and use, from private offices to a library and a cafe. The circulation meanders around the building’s core and swells in size to accommodate surrounding functions. The path is largest near the larger public cells of the café and materials library, and narrower around the smaller private offices.
Inspirative Tori Tori Japanese Restaurant in Polanco,Mexico - Egyedi modern étterem belsőépítészet , stílusos megoldásokkal
2012.02.24. 12:15

Tori Tori, a well-known Japanese restaurant in Mexico City, was moved from its original place in Polanco to a bigger location in the same area, but the architect Michel Rojkind and Hector Esrawe, an industrial designer, transformed the space inside and out, keeping only the parking lot unchanged.
Although the clients requested a Japanese design, the architects thought it would be better to be a modern and cosmopolitan space, with a powerful impact. The restaurant opens with a terrace surrounded by vegetation, which connects the inside with the outside. The organic façade and landscape give this place its own personal expression. This unique façade, which seems to emerge from the ground and swallow up the entire building, is made of two self-supporting layers of steel plates, crafted after a certain pattern, which filters light, views and shadows.
Inside, the restaurant was divided into differently designed spaces, each with its own purpose: a sake bar, an exclusive temple for the sushi lovers, etc. The furniture, which was designed especially for Tori Tori, was created to match the demands and purpose of each space. That is why the clients have a variety of options and sensations to choose from, in an intimate and relaxing atmosphere.
Dakar Sow House- Amazing Luxory Interior Design by SAOTA - Modern Luxus Villa elképesztő belsőépítészettel
2012.02.23. 12:32

Built on the site of an old World War Two bunker and on the edge of a cliff, Villa Sow maximises its commanding position to create a house that is not only dramatic but with the incorporation of historical elements quite magical and mysterious.
Part of the old bunker has been retained and a portion of it now houses an underground cinema that opens up into a water courtyard /moat that runs along the boundary creating a water feature at the gateway to the property. It is connected back to the house via a timber panelled walkway leading to a spiral staircase that runs from the lower ground through to the first floor and second floor levels of the villa.
‘Whilst the cliffside site presented an extraordinary opportunity for a house on the edge of Dakar’s CBD, the slowly eroding nature of the cliff face required a very carefully considered structural solution.’ says Greg Truen, Project Partner, ’resulting in a building design that seemed to float off the cliff’s edge’.

The ground floor of the house, designed to facilitate seamless indoor and outdoor living and entertainment, is arranged in an L shape around the pool, the pool terrace and the garden. The formal Living and Dining spaces cantilever over the cliff and hang over the Atlantic Ocean enjoying panoramic sea views as well as views back to the house. The Kitchen made up of a so called ‘American’ or open kitchen and a separate traditional kitchen as well as the garage and staff facilities run along the east west axis and along the northern side of the boundary. From the Entrance one moves past the sculptural circular stair to the Entertainment Room and the double volume Family Lounge which connects up with a floating stair to the upper level Pyjama Lounge. The Main and the two children’s bedrooms are placed on this upper level.
‘The huge overhanging roof which projects over the upper level and the outdoor Living level creates a dramatic double volume outdoor space and gives the entire home a sense of unity’ says partner Stefan Antoni.
One of the features of the house is the spiral staircase, clad in stainless steel, while the treads are clad in white granite. To add to the sense of continuity between the levels the 20mm in diameter stainless steel rods run from the first floor handrail to the lower ground floor, thus making the stairwell look like a sculptural steel cylinder. A skylight above the stairwell as well as floor to ceiling glazing in the lounges adds to the sense of transparency.
The Main Bedroom Suite opens up onto a large terrace which is the roof of the more formal living wing of the house and the element which projects over to the ocean. The Main Bathroom opens into a private garden and outdoor shower situated over the garages.

Futuristic Dream homes - Dupli Casa by J. Mayer H. Architects - Modern Minimalista állom otthonok Németországból
2012.02.21. 12:09

The home boasts a very spacious 569 square meters of living space (that’s a tad over 6,000 square feet) and the building’s design provides a seamless transition between inside and outside, offering spectacular views onto the old town of Marbach and across Neckar valley.

With a house so dramatic, it’s important that the interior decor and furnishings are not over stated as it would make for an over-busy environment not condusive to relaxation. For this reason, minimalist is typically the way to go. And, Duplic Casa is all about relaxation – we love this image of the classic Eames / Herman Miller Lounge Chair, with the texture of the wooden floor and chair contrasting beautifully against the black and white of the home and the large glazing for a truly intimate and tranquil space. That’s modern design at its glorious best.
You look at the main home area and The Jetsons and the styling of Apple’s products comes to mind. Move over to the indoor pool area and you’d be forgiven for thinking you’re looking at a lake beside a glacier in Scandinavia. Wow doesn’t nearly begin to describe Dupli Casa, with it’s amazing contemporary architecture, stunning views and luxurious appointments. This is a Modern Dream Home that sets very high standards for the future and we hope its influence will be seen in other homes, whatever the location.

Az ház igen impozáns a maga 569 m2 tágas lakóterületével,valamint a Marbach óvárosára és a Neckar-völgyre néző különleges kilátásával. Az épület dizájnja egy alig észrevehető átmenetet biztosít a külső-és belső tér között. A Dupli Casa a külső tér tiszta formáját követi,valamint a bútorokon és a berendezési tárgyakon is érezhető az a finom,lekerekített érzet amely az egész otthont jellemzi. A fekete-fehér színösszeállítás a belső térben is folytatódik,eleganciát és kifinomultságot kölcsönözve ezzel a háznak.
Fontos hogy a belső dekorációt és a lakáskultúrát nem túlozták el,különben a relaxáció elősegítése helyett egy túlzsúfolt környezet alakulhatott volna ki.Ezáltal a minimalizmus lett a járható út.
A Dupli Casaban minden a kikapcsolódásról szól- szeretjük a klasszikus Eames/Herman Miller klubfotel-arculatot,a fapadlózat-szék struktúrával amely gyönyörű kontrasztot alkot a ház fekete-fehér színeivel, és az a terjedelmes üvegburkolat amely egy valóban meghitt és nyugodt teret biztosít.
Tegyél egy pillantást a nappali légtérre,és az "Apple" termékek stílusa valamint a "The Jetsons" jut eszedbe! Ha a beépített medencén túl megyünk, akkor könnyen azon kaphatjuk magunkat,mintha egy skandináv gleccser mögötti tóra bámulnánk. Egy "hűha" elég kevés ahhoz,hogy a Dupli Casa elképesztő kortárs építőművészetét, pompás kilátását és luxus berendezési tárgyait jellemezzük. Ez maga "A Modern Álomház",amely nagyon magas mércét állított a jövőre nézve,és reméljük hogy hatását más házakon is láthatjuk majd,bárhol is legyen a helyszín.
Astounding Interior Design in Alp House by Noé Duchaufour Lawrance - Minimalista enteriőr egy hagyományos Alpesi családi házban
2012.02.20. 12:08

Beautifully Designed White Home by Andres Remy Arquitectos - Minimál családi ház design Argentínából
2012.02.17. 10:45

The Geometrical Minimalist Concrete Architecture in Girona, Spain- Egyedi minimalista beton architektúra , puritán minimál belsőépítészet
2012.02.16. 10:32

Completed in 2010 by Barcelona studio Hidalgo Hartmann, the single-storey Casa Pocafarina has a cross-shaped plan that sits on four pillars and hovers a metre above the lawn.
The house is situated on a corner plot with some good views over the distant landscape. In order to enjoy these views and avoid the neighboring buildings, the ideal configuration for the house was to create a compact form of cross which is placed at the center of gravity of the plot. The four wings are oriented in a way that ensures the selected views from inside the house.
The whole volume is supported by four pillars and cantilevers out over the garden level at a hight of one meter. The pillars itself are based on the lower ground floor of 8x8m that contains access to housing, the porch, garage and laundry. On the top floor, the cross-shaped plan organizes the four wings around a central space, an exterior courtyard, that provides sunlight Into the heart of the house.
The four wings contain the different functions of the house with the living room area and the kitchen-dining area connected with each other through the transparency of the courtyard. Distributed on both sides of this main space there is the master bedroom with it’s own bathroom and the two children's bedrooms also with a bathroom hidden by a concrete wall. The use of concrete in its natural colour and made with wood slats all over the house reveals visibly the powerfull construction that is needed to realise the idea in a coherent way.

Friendly Contemporary Family Residence in Queensland,Aus - Modern Családi otthon barátságos exteriőrrel
2012.02.15. 13:57

The home was designed for a close knit, young family and occupies the crest of a hill facing south towards breathtaking views of the Brisbane city skyline and Mount Coot-tha. A series of connected pavilions perched on solid concrete platforms encourage exploration and interaction whilst portraying a sense of permanency and refuge for occupants. The concrete construction enhances a sensation of intransience the client desired, while timber elements re-interpret the craftsmanship of Queensland home construction, responding to the suburban context of Newmarket’s 19th and 20th century dwellings.
The home is intended to conjure summer memories of time spent in the cool, shaded spaces found under the homes of our childhood. Visitors are welcomed onto the middle level of the home. This transparent platform encourages family activity though connection between living space, play space and the street. Private spaces of the home are separated between the basement and upper level.
The Luxory Boutique Villas in Koh Tao Island, Thailand
2012.02.10. 13:52

Clear and Airy Apartment Interior in Rome,It by Carola Vannini Architecture -Letisztult Minimalista lakás enteriőr
2012.02.09. 16:53

This luxurious apartment, located close to the Colosseo area, has been reorganized through a complete and detailed design project.The client's main need of opening the space toward the outside landscape, generated a design characterized by light and airy rooms.Several windows have been reopened, and the interior distribution has been changed in order to create multiple perspectives.
Main space of the day area is the kitchen volume, which is in direct relation with both, the entrance and the living room. It is designed as an isolated volume, separated from ceiling and floor, through continue led lights. Two sliding white glass doors allow to open and close the kitchen, depending on the user’s needs.

The living room has a minimal flair, and its furniture (designed by the architect) creates a balance with the interior architecture.The lighting system has been carefully studied in order to emphasize perspectives and space depht.A direct relation with the exterior area is underlined by the wooden floor that exetends from the interior space into the balcony.The black doors and windows frames, create a painting-like effect by framing the surrounding natural landscape.

The kitchen has a sculptural valence, which partially hides its real function.
Nevertheless, practical needs are not underestimated thanks to the creation of big cabinets and a white corian kitchen island (ideal for quick meals and as a work top).The night area has three bedrooms, three bathrooms and one office space.The corridor that leads to them, has been designed in order to open up the space through the use of niches and lights.
A long built-in cupboard, which perfectly merges with the architecture, gives up on classical doors and replaces them with backlit printed plexiglass panels.The master bedroom is naturally lit by two big windows and has a nice banked relax area, coated with grey resin. This material creates a continuity with the grey wooden floor.A jacuzzi is located into the banked platform.Two simmetrical walls lead into the walk-in closets area and, then, into the master bathroom.The master bathroom has the same bedroom’s colors and geometries.The white bathroom fittings and cabinets, stand out against the grey walls and
four green wooden cabinets are the only colored elements.
The Luxory "H" Form Residence in Santiago by 57 Studio - "H" alaprajzú minimalista luxus villa Dél Amerikából
2012.02.08. 11:37

This is a residence for a family who looks for a more extensive terrain and ampler spaces, without leaving the traditional neighborhood where it has lived for almost 30 years. Located on the east side of Santiago, the main characteristics of the neighborhood are the presence of old growth trees and huge lots with houses that have a limited relation with the street.

The interior spaces are organized around a native tree (Cryptocaria alba) that accompanies the access from the south. Through the hall, the presence of an enormous avocado tree (Persea americana) is framed towards the north, and a private wing towards the east is delimited by an old macrocarpa cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) and some crape myrtles. Over the central wing, a second private level extends in all of its length, leaving on one end a terrace at the height of the tree’s crowns. On the west wing, the public spaces open towards the northern garden through a porch, and the service areas direct their view towards an ashleaf maple (Acer negundo). The wing of services extends towards the south by means of a roof with an opening that surrounds a native Crinodendron patagua that separates the closed garage from the rest of the house.

Elegant Loft Interior Design in Tenerife,Brisbane by Donovan Hill - Elegáns Loft Belsőépítészet Ausztráliából
2012.02.07. 14:31

The Atypical Scandinavian Villa Interior in Stockholm County,Sweden
2012.02.04. 11:56