The residence designed by JFAK Architects located in Santa Monica, California got its name thanks to the surname of its owners: Erin and Matt King. What makes it different from other houses? The architects concentrated on making use of the plot of land with the shape of the building  in order for the building to communicate with its surroundings. They have been successful in this respect and the house is on purpose inconsistent substance expanding into all cardinal points. Thanks to this form each side of the house has excellent light conditions and a view of a large garden and patio facing the street. Distribution of the green and white facades imitates the light from between the trees. An interesting feature of the residence is vertical glazing that allows reducing the need for artificial lighting and enables ocean breezes to naturally ventilate the entire house. Most of the doors employ frosted glass which transmits natural light while preserving privacy. The residence has cool modern look and energy saving technologies.

The office design of present day shows a really diversified picture.Taking into account the principals' demands and possible images the designers try to realize the most unique and the most designed ideas within the confines of functionality and ergonomics.
Have a look at the following,expanding and inspiring article, and you can decide which one you would like: the clear-out,modern,minimalist office, the loft-like,rude,industrial design or the flimsy, colourful,smart,some of the items are artistic interior design that is completed alienated from the ground.

Napjaink iroda kialakítási trendjei igazán változatos képet mutatnak. A megbízók igényeit és esetleges arculati elemeit figyelembe véve a tervezők megpróbálnak a funkcionalitás és az ergonómia határain belül a leg egyedibb és design -osabb ötleteket megvalósítani mindenki örömére.
Nézzétek meg a következő egyre bővülő inspiratív anyagot ,és mindenki döntse el hogy neki melyik tetszik , a letisztult modern minimalista iroda , a loft szerű , kicsit indusztriális , nyers  kialakítás , vagy akár a talajtól teljesen elrugaszkodott laza , színes , ötletes szinte egyes elemeiben artisztikus iroda enteriőr.

BBC North Creative Interior Spaces

The BBC’s new creative hub in the Greater Manchester area in North England is a vibrant modern workplace that offers more choice in less space. The interior design by IS:SR is visually striking with “meeting pods” lining the atrium. Narrow spaces at the edge are transformed into intimate pods. The activity-driven design make efficient use of space, allowing flexible and creative balance.

Eegoo Offices by dEEP Architects in Beijing,China.

 The new Beijing office for eegoo is the antithesis to the office typology where traditionally the cubical dominates the organization and shape of the program. As some will argue, form follows function. Conversely, what can be experienced is a flow of form and circulation generated by a cellular sequence. The cell structure generates a congruent office environment while enlisting a variable of juxtaposing functions not typically found in the typology. The Beijing eegoo office is a space for open discussions and decision making to be accord; an office where ideas can flow freely from the private to the public, from cell to cell.
A nodal organization sequence is given to the program, in which generated cells range in size and use, from private offices to a library and a cafe. The circulation meanders around the building’s core and swells in size to accommodate surrounding functions. The path is largest near the larger public cells of the café and materials library, and narrower around the smaller private offices.

APBC Offices by Asylum in The Pavilion Tower, Kuala Lumpur

Redefining the conventional office space, apbcOffices were designed to create a calming and tranquil environment; inspired by nature and tinged with an element of surprise.Located in the bustling city’s main shopping, entertainment and tourism district, the new serviced office occupies the 16th floor of The Pavilion Tower at 10,473 square feet, incorporating natural materials to provide a comforting yet conducive working environment.
Opened in October 2011, the offices were conceptually designed with strong elements of nature, unfolding an experiential story at every corner. Upon stepping into the office, the walls are lined with timber strips, simulating a walk amongst trees, leading the way to the reception desk carved out of natural stone.
Pop-art flower installations sweep across the boardroom, while meetings are rejuvenated in butterfly themed rooms. A unique interpretation of a nature-inspired enclave, the serviced offices are named after different breeds of birds, contributing to a warm ambience and holistic experience for churning out that next big idea.

Selgas Cano Architecture Office by Iwan Baan

Unilever Office by Camenzind Evolution

Camenzind Evolution designed a new office interior for Unilever headquarters in Switzerland.

Red Town Office by Taranta Creations

Taranta Creations have designed their own studio located in Shanghai, China.


Taranta Creations have designed their own studio located in Shanghai, China.


 Futuristic Hidrosalud Headquarters Offices by Cuartopensante Arquitectura

Cuartopensante Arquitectura has designed an office interior for Hidrosalud, a Spanish company from Valencia that operates in the water treatment industry.
Through use of explicitly futuristic design and colours, this office interior exemplifies modern, comfortable and colourful architecture, making it perfect for a relaxing, natural office environment. White dominates the scene in the interior of this office, ensuring that the atmosphere exudes a relaxing, peaceful feel, ideal for an excellent working, co-operative scene. The lighting is also beautiful here, accentuating the modern touch with the blue tinting.

Yandex Kiev Office  from Za bor Architects

The Yandex company, for which this office is designed for, is the most popular Russian Internet segment search engine with lots of useful services, one the world top 25 sites. The company is constantly developing, so in late July, the Kiev Yandex branch moves to new office. As a dozen other Yandex offices it is designed by the Moscow bureau za bor architects.

Office 04  -  i29 Interior Architects

With Tribal DDB, our goal was to design an environment where creative interaction is supported and to create as much workplaces as possible in a new structure with flexible desks and a large open space. All of this while maintaining a work environment that stimulates long office hours and concentrated work. As Tribal DDB is part of an international network a clear identity was required, which also fits the parent company DDB. The design had to reflect an identity that is friendly and playful but also professional and serious. The contradictions within these questions, asked for choices that allow great flexibility in the design.

Cannon Design Regional Offices / Cannon Design

After standing vacant for nearly 30 years, the St. Louis Municipal Power House building at 1100 Clark Avenue in downtown St. Louis, opened as the new offices of Cannon Design in September 2008. In 2007, the firm purchased the 19,000 sqf building and provided all design, development, and construction management services for its restoration, renovation and adaptive reuse—an investment that represents the firm’s confidence in the future of the city of St. Louis.

The Ceramic House is a project designed by Spanish architect Héctor Ruiz-Velázquez.The small apartment is located in the attic space of an early 20th century building in Madrid. The challenge for the architect was to transform a small area into a new and minimalist living space with a variety of levels.
Ceramic House project is a make-over of an attic rooms in Madrid into an innovative multifunctional housing concept based on the actual necessities.
Here’s the explaination from Héctor Ruiz-Velázquez: “As if the design would be a three-dimensional object, every one of the rooms or points of the home can be located by specifying the axis of coordinates. The result is the power to move around in few square meters at different heights, going up and down, offering a new experience of roominess in the context of a home: to explore the space. The transition between the rooms is continuous and lets the movement flow freely across the numerous levels. The spatial flexibility that transforms this home is an innovative housing concept which adapts itself to the actual necessities and to the new usages. Where roominess, brightness and time flow in a multifunctional space without corners or precedence. ”
The lack of doors facilitates the communication, and the result is a perfect nest for a single person who appreciates modern and minimalist white interior design.

Located in Extremadura in the province of Cáceres, Spain, this country house was transformed into a family home from an abandoned stable. The rustic home with modern simplicity completely respects the environment. A solar panel system was developed to provide energy in the summer, and turbines were installed to make use of the streams to supply energy during the winter.

Another great piece of contemporary Art is done again by A-cero Architects. These lovely famous architects have design a modern house residence architecture in the Spanish city of A Coruña. Taking the advantages to the beautiful view of estuary of A Corunna, the architects designed this beautiful house clean and open so every single detail of both interior and exterior can be explore. The interior there is a red color panel stair in which is supported and that goes through the three floors, emphasizing the nuclear character of this point of the house. In the basement floor, the study is separated by this point; in the middle floor, it separates the double height of the study and the projector room to one side and the guest bedrooms to the other; in the ground floor the intersection of axis separates the lounge and the garage of the kitchen, and finally in the upper floor and with a double height over the lounge is the principal bedroom, discharged from the axis as well as of the volume where is located and singularized in an independent third floor. The falling of the ground let you go out as well through the guest bedrooms floor as through the lounge as through the roof floor. Not only the interior that designed so elegant but also the exterior, the detail of the exterior combined with stunning pool in front of the house make living in this house just like in own heaven.

A kortárs építőművészet egy nagyszerű darabját alkották meg ismét az Spanyol A-cero építész stúdió
építészei.  Ezek a kedves, híres építészek a Spanyol Coruna városában tervezték ezt a modern minimalista családi villát .
A Coruna folyó tölcsértorkolatára néző gyönyörű kilátást kihasználva az építészek egy letisztult és nyitott házat terveztek úgy, hogy a belső-és külső tér minden egyes részlete könnyen felfedezhetővé váljon.  Az alagsorban egy  két szint magas dolgozószoba lett kialakítva, a középső szint egyik oldalára lett leválasztva a megduplázott magasságú dolgozószoba és a vetítőszoba, míg a másik oldalon a vendégek hálószobáit helyezték el. A földszinten a tengelyek metszéspontjainak köszönhetőn lett szétválasztva a terektől  előcsarnok,  a garázs a konyhától, még végül a felső szinten van a gyönyörű kilátással rendelkező főhálószoba, amely egy teljesen független és elszeparált részét képezi a háznak. A ház elrendezése lehetővé teszi, hogy mind a vendég hálószobák szintjén, mind az előcsarnokon vagy a tetőszinten át kijuthassunk a szabadba. Nemcsak a belső tér lett ilyen elegánsra hangolva, hanem a ház külső része is, amelynek a részleteit egy pompás medencével kombinálták, olyan érzést keltve ezzel, mintha egy saját mennyországban élnénk.

Based in california and switzerland, XTEN architecture has completed 'nakahouse', a single family residence located in hollywood hills, california, USA.
Sited along the steep slopes below the hollywood sign, the dwelling is a contemporary update to an established home from the 1960's.
Geotechnical, zoning and budget limitations mandated the reuse of the existing footprint and foundations as a basis for the home's new design. the interior arrangement was reconfigured and a series of outdoor terraces were projected from all angles to maximize views of the surrounding landscape.

Floor to ceiling glass windows and sliding doors blur the boundary between the indoor and outdoor areas extending the living spaces to the terraces. exterior stairs lead to a roof deck with unobstructed views of the beechwood canyon, griffith park observatory and natural ravines.
The smooth black plaster facade intentionally creates a stark contrast with the white washed surfaces inside the home. Lacquered cabinetry, epoxy resin floors and painted metal produce a monochromatic and uniform interior which blends the separate rooms into one continuous space.

A Kaliforniai és Svájci székhelyű XTEN építész iroda befejezte a Kaliforniában, a Hollywood domboldalán elterülő, szabadon álló családi rezidenciát. A meredek lejtők mentén, rögtön a Hollywood-felirat alatt található lakóház egy modernizált verziója az 1960-as években épített háznak. A régi házat lebontották, és csak az alapokat meghagyva alakították ki ezt a fekete fehér minimalista családi villát.  A belső tér tagoltságát újraalakították,és kinti teraszsort úgy tervezték hogy a környező vidékre való kilátást mindenszögből a végsőkig fokozhassa. A padlótól a plafonig tartó üvegablakok és tolóajtók homályosítják el a kinti és a benti tér közötti határvonalat,meghosszabítva ezzel anappali területét a teraszok felé.
Külső lépcsők a tetőteraszra vezetnek ,amely szabad kilátást nyújt a Beechwood-kanyonra, Griffith
Park Csillagvizsgálóra és természetesen a völgyben található szakadékokra. A korom feketére ,vakolt külső az otthon belső terének vakító fehér felületével szándékosan erős kontrasztot alkot. A magasfényűre lakkozott konyhaszekrény, fehér epoxigyanta padlózat és a festett fém felületek  egy monokróm és egységes belső teret hoz létre, amely a különálló szobákat egy folyamatos térbe vegyíti.

Busride Design Studio have designed a restaurant called The Smokehouse Room as well as an attached nightclub called SHRoom in New Delhi, India.

One of the most bizarre briefs we’ve worked with, Smokehouse Room flows organically out over
12,000 sq.ft of curves, overlooking the grandest view in India, the Qutub Heritage precinct. The Smokehouse Room frames 13th Century history in postmodern lenses.
The Smokehouse Room has 3 distinct, yet seamlessly connected offerings.We’ve tried to create a fluid, organically growing, psychedelic landscape that melts into various parts.

The Smokehouse Room is a tiny 40 seater tasting room. We created an elegant, understated, quiet atmosphere as a dramatic stage for a sensorial food performance, with subtle organic undertones. Each element in the Restaurant is hand-crafted, from the chairs and fluid partitions and window frames. Lighting and paneling is designed to create long, fluid horizontal lines, that hint at the forms and textures of the Mushroom, which served as the formal inspiration behind the venue. Touted as “One of the finest restaurants to be setup in the city”, Smokehouse Room has been called “Brilliant and irreverent”.
The Cocktail bar introduces schizophrenia into the offering, being a pristine white space in the day, and becoming an intensely coloured, constantly changing hallucinatory environment by night, which takes the trademark Smokehouse Room eccentricity into cocktails. We worked on a molten design form, that creeps up the edges of the spaces, sculpting out functionality. The idea was to work on flexible, eccentric seating ideas, including the mound-like barstools, and the floor hugging organic sofa form, such that it creates multiple seating options, for different Bar requirements. The Cocktail bar, in layout forms part of both the Restaurant and the attached Club, hence responds to both extremities in energy levels.

The Smokehouse Room is attached to the newest entrant to the Delhi Club circuit, SHRoom. With SHRoom we created a completely immersive Audio-Visual Environment, in what is intended to be the closest replica of the psychedelic mind-bending experience.The club tries to visualize an experience inside and under an exploding canopy of mushrooms, with synced effects lights and pulsing visuals. SHRoom adopts the progressive sound of EDM to create a space that breathes and lives, pushing the Club culture in the capital city into a more international space.

Russian architect Andrey Tiguntsev has designed and completed the charming, contemporary House on the Bay project in Mill Fold village on Irkutsk Reservoir, in Irkutsk Oblast, Russia; from which it owes its name.
Completed in 2010, the residence comprises of two stories, and utilises a vast and refined palette of materials to create this stunning modern home. With a traditional outset created by the archetypal pathway to the garage and door, the architect attempts to combine a beautiful unison of traditional and contemporary modes, and does it to a striking effect. Concrete is used to create the outer layer of the first story of the residence, but the architect cleverly disguises this as faux wood by utilizing a beautiful, brown/orange colour.
The main aspect of the exterior is the gorgeous modern façade. Reaching over both stories of the house, this glass casing is clever and allows light to bounce through the home, offering efficient, natural light. The general weather in the area – harsh winds, cold and snow – is also taken into account by the architect, who designed this glass façade with the idea of blocking out the interminable winter weather. When snow settles around the house also, the façade shines in its beautiful white colour.
Inside, the interior displays a refined, sophisticated design. The sleek, wooden flooring and urbane, comfortable furnishings add a unique aspect to this home which also offers glorious panoramic views, while the open-plan living and dining area allows the house to flow.

Az Orosz építész, Andrey Tiguntsev tervezte Oroszországban az Irkutski víztározónál található varázslatos,kortárs házat, amelyet 2010-ben fejezett be. Az építész ezt a két emeletből álló nagyszerű,modern rezidenciát az anyagok kifinomult,óriási palettájának felhasználásával alkotta meg.
Az építész megkísérelte ötvözni a hagyományos és kortárs modell gyönyörű harmóniáját,mely igazán nagy feltűnést kelt. Az ház külső teherhordó szerkezetéhez monolit vasbetont  használtak,amit az építésznek barna-narancs színű,szerelt-homlokzati fa faburkolat használatával sikerült ügyesen elrejtenie.
A külső tér fő aspektusa a ragyogó, modern üveg homlokzata mely a ház mindkét emeletét átérve teret enged a fénynek,amely így természetes megvilágítást kölcsönöz az otthonnak. Az általános időjárást - durva szelek, hideg és eső - figyelembe vette az építész ennek az üveghomlokzatnak a tervezésénél. Amikor a hó körbeöleli a házat,az épület egész külseje ebben a gyönyörű,fehér színben pompázik.
A belső tér kifinomult,modern design-t mutat. A magasfényű szalagparketta,remek alapot ad a  változatos és kényelmes mobiliáknak székeknek , kanapéknak és kiegészítőknek, a nyitott nappali-étkező területek szellősek, tökéltes belső  áramlást engednek a háznak. s ezek együttvéve  egyedi belső megjelenést kölcsönöznek  ennek az igazán pompás otthonnak.

Hamburg-based practice Splendid Architecture has completed the 'Kitzbuehel Mansion', a residence overlooking the alps in Kitzbuehel, Austria. placed on a steep slope, the form is divided into two entities, appearing as if two pieces of wood have been strewn in the landscape. raising the interior program made framed views of the mountains possible, as the perspectives were initially obstructed from the site. Generated the facades fenestration arrangement. the wings, dedicated to living to the east and sleeping to the west, are linked with a ground level glass connector and elevated path. The entry level is reserved for the kitchen, dining room and master bedroom with accessible terraces. placed on the highest floor,
the living areas maintain the best vistas of the snow capped mountain ridges. guest rooms and wine cellars are placed below grade.
The exterior is clad with locally sourced tyrolean wood, leaving a rough appearance with staggered planks projecting over windows, concealing their frames. inside, a material palette of oak wood and colored concrete flooring are illuminated with artistic lighting fixtures for a warm atmosphere.

Borrowing the name of its location, the Gothic Quarter Apartment designed by YLAB Architects is located in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona, Spain. Surprising the viewer with an intense usage of contemporary materials and modern furniture items, the interiors of this 130 square meter apartment in the heart of the city were recently renovated. The transformation can be clearly seen in all the details, but there are some elements that maintain the memories of another era. Some key elements were kept, like the traditional Catalan ceilings showing off wooden beams and vaulted arches, and the exterior wooden shutters. Arched openings make the connection between the succession of bright, generous spaces that shape the apartment’s floor plan.Spaces were reconstructed to offer the young inhabitants private, social and work spaces: starting with the entrance hall and going through the kitchen and living room, the  bedroom suite and bathroom can be reached. Hand-assembled tinted pine wood slats give the ceiling and walls a unique look, while the simple geometry of the furniture integrates perfectly in the new space. Maybe the warm wood finishes is the reason to love these interiors, or maybe it’s the ivory white concrete floors – all I know is all of you will have a good reason to consider this particular apartment – located behind Barcelona’s City Hall – a fabulous living space.

Gothic Apartmannak nevezték el azt a lakást, amelyet a YLAB építészei terveztek a Spanyolországban, Barcelona Gothic negyedében.
Meglepő,hogy ha vetünk egy pillantást a kortárs anyagok intenzív használatára , a modern világításra és bútorelemekre,akkor rögtön rájöhetünk hogy a város szívében lévő 130 m2 méretű apartman belsőépítészetileg mostanában került felújításra. Minden egyes részletében jól észrevehető az átalakítás,de néhány alkotóelem megtartotta egy másik kor emlékeit is. Számos kulcsfontosságú elem megmaradt, mint a hagyományos Katalán mennyezet ,amely fagerendáival és boltozatos íveivel kérkedik,valamint a külső fa redőnyök. A boltíves nyílások kapcsolatot alkotnak a fényes és hatalmas terek között, amelyek visszatükröződnek  a lakás padlózatán.
A lakást úgy renoválták hogy ezzel a fiatal lakóknak magán- társasági és munkahelyi teret biztosítsanak: az előszobától a modern konyhán és nappalin át, a hálószoba berendezésig és fürdőszobáig mindent így alakítottak ki.
A kézzel készített,színezett erdei fenyő burkolat a falaknak és a mennyezetnek egyedi kinézetet kölcsönöz, míg a bútorok egyszerű geometriája tökéletesen kiegészíti az új teret. Talán a meleg fafelület az oka annak, hogy ennyire szerethető a térbelső, vagy talán az elefántcsont fehér, beton padló- annyit biztosan tudok hogy mindannyiuknak jó oka lesz arra hogy különlegesnek tartsa ezt az apartmant.

Our planning agency, the Archikron Architect and Interior Design Studio planned and carried out with a ready-made handover this 270 m2, two-levels, self-contained house with flat roof in Budapest, which also can deploy minimalist style. It’s accomplished photos is shown hereinafter.The exterior of this hectic crowd house is constitued by mostly natural materials, limestone wall coating and timber panels dapple the rigid building structure anyway. We also emphasize a snug interior and exterior design in the case of these kind of minimalist intonation houses. The doors and windows were made of timber with triple glazed windows, which is an important viewpont in connection with the present-day energy prices.The above mentioned snug minimalism pervades the enterior of the house.Bright,white walls and flooring, furthermore wenge and zebrano veneer surfaces are alternated each other with a carefully chosen accessories. The furniture from one and all are completely made uniquely,including everything from the kitchen units to the bed.In the first floor there are a living room,a huge, modern dining-room with kitchen, an intimate guest’s room with a bathroom, furthermore a two set-up garage, and on the upstairs another two master bedrooms with bathroom and two children’ rooms are located.We took note of the energy consciousness in the case of the house planning, because a geothermal heat pump system is responsible for the cooling and heating system of the house, with a wall and ceiling panels. As well as the hydro-thermo fireplace located in the living room could help in the hot water supply.

Tervező irodánk az Archikron Építész - Belsőépítész Stúdió Budapest egyik külső kerületébe tervezte ill. kivitelezte kulcsrakész átadással ezt a két szintes, lapos tetős, minimalista stílusjegyeket is felvonultató 270 m2-es családi házat, amelynek kész fotóit az alábbiakban mutatjuk be.
A mozgalmas kubusú ház exteriőrjét nagy részben természetes anyagok alkotják, mészkő faburkolatok, illetve szerelt fapanelok tarkítják az amúgy merev épületstruktúrát. Az ilyen minimál hangvételű házaknál is nagy hangsúlyt fektetünk az otthonos külső és belső designra. A nyílászárók is fából készültek három rétegű üvegezéssel, amely fontos szempont a mai energiaárak mellett.
Az épületben egyébként a földszinten egy nagyméretű modern nappali - étkező-konyha kapcsolat, egy hangulatos vendégszoba fürdőszobával, valamint egy két beállásos garázs, az emeleten két hálószoba fürdőszobával és két gyerekszoba kapott helyet. A ház belső enteriőrjét is átjárja ez a fentiekben említett otthonos minimalizmus. Világos, tört fehér falak és padlók, valamint wenge ill. zebránó, fafurnéros felületek váltják egymást gondosan megvilágított design kiegészítőkkel. A bútorokat szinte teljes egészében egytől egyig egyedi gyártásúak és cégünk szakemberei készítették , beleértve a fa üveg és akril kombinációjú konyhabútortól a steppelt bőrbetétes ágyakig mindent.
A ház tervezésénél az energiatudatosságra is odafigyeltünk,ugyanis a ház fűtését és hűtését egy geotermikus hőszivattyú rendszer adja, fal, illetve mennyezeti panelokkal , Valamint a nappaliban elhelyezett vízteres kandalló a melegvíz ellátásba is besegít.

The BLUETUBE BAR presents the TUBE-IT system as a feasible and flexible low-cost constructive resource. This system is based on the assembly of “corrugated tube” and “plastic clamps” and it has recently been tested in the construction of a temporary bar for the annual academic festival in Porto - [Queima das Fitas do Porto 2010].Horizontally, the given intervention area was limited to a 3x3m square, whilst vertically the construction should not exceed 5m high.

The young Brazilian architect Guilherme Torres chose to live in a small studio in Londrina, Brazil. The place would lodge an artist’s painting atelier and was under redecoration for over 10 years by the architect himself. The present project came to life due to several problems found in the building such as electricity mains and rewiring, wall cracks and seepage. Within a month, all wall coatings were removed and rebuilt whilst the architect decided to build a brick table and couch. “As a furniture designer, I decided to follow an opposite thread to what I usually do and create something permanent, stable”, says the architect.

Not only is the table used to hold books and collections but it is also a place to work and eat at, while the couch stands from wall to wall and has two black fabric mattresses. The cushions were made with fabric cutouts with patterns designed by the stylist Adriana Barra to Micasa, São Paulo’s design temple. The kitchen was compressed in a 1.40m wide by 3m long space. The concrete floor was coated with rubber so as to avoid oil stains while the wall received plotage images inspired in Arabic mosaic, designed by the architect himself.
The resident’s bedroom bears resemblance to a loft, with a warmer atmosphere compared to the rest of the house due to the exposed brick wall at the top of the bed. The electrical wiring system becomes more evident in the guest’s bedroom, located in a mezzanine floor above the living-room. The design was inspired by Paulo Mendes da Rocha, a Brazilian architect who won the Pritzker prize in 2006 and famous for exploring the Brutalist Architecture, in which the architecture functional mechanisms such as hydraulic and electrical pipes are at sight. Modern and avant-garde, the whole building cost approximately U$ 6,000.00 and the low cost is due to its simplicity in architectural solutions.

A fiatal brazil építész Guilherme Torres úgy döntött hogy egy ezentúl
egy kis Londrinai stúdió lakásban fog élni Braziliában. A hely úgy írható le
mint egy festő műterme,amelyet az építész maga díszitett újra 10 éven
keresztül. A jelenlegi projekt néhány problémának köszönhetően jött
létre, amit az épületben találtak, mint például az elektromos hálózat
és villanyszerelés hiányosságai, falrepedések és vízszivárgás. Egy hónapon belül az
egész falburkolatot eltávolították, és újraépítették addig az építész
úgy döntött hogy egy betonból készült asztalt és kanapét készít. "Mint
bútortervező úgy döntöttem, hogy a szokásostól eltérően fogok
dolgozni, és valami maradandót, állandót alkotok"-nyilatkozott az
Az asztal nemcsak könyv-és gyűjtemények helyeként szolgál,hanem
munka-és étkezési helyként is, míg a faltól-falig tartó kanapé két,
fekete szövetmatraccal is gazdagodott. A díszpárnák kivágott
anyagmintákkal készültek, amelynek a mintáit Adriana Barra stylist
tervezte , a micasai Sao Paulo templomának terveihez. A konyha 1,40
méter széles helyen lett összetömörítve, 3 méter hosszú teret
nyerve ezzel. A betonpadló gumival lett bevonva hogy elkerüljék az
olajszennyeződéseket,míg a fal  arab mozaikok által inspirált
arculatot kapott, amelyet maga az építész tervezett.
A lakó hálószobája egy loftra hasonlít,és a ház többi részével
összehasonlítva ennek a legbarátságosabb a hangulata,ami főleg az ágy feletti
megvilágított téglafalnak köszönhető.  Egyébként a dizájnt Paulo Mendes de Rocha brazil építész inspirálta,  aki 2006-ban Pritzker díjat nyert és a "Brutalist
Architecture"-ről híres.  Az egész lakás körülbelül 6 000 dollárba került,  ez
 alacsony ár az építészeti megoldások egyszerűségének köszönhetően alakult ki.

This revolutionary and contemporary residence, the ‘Lilypad house’ was designed by Jorge Hrdina Architects in Sydney, Australia. Enveloped by two refined structures, the house was measured to accommodate ease of access by wheelchair and blur the line between private and public.
The modern theme continues inside the house itself, with a sleek and shiny finish to an interior which boasts a vast amount of space, allowing freedom and leisure time, while the ‘lilypads’ that anchor both ends of the house provide necessary shade and insulation.As opposed to completely dominating the house though, the ‘lilypads’ simply perform as a contemporary standpoint, while the boundless exterior allows the aforementioned line between public and private to be forgotten, as the house simply forms a connection with the park opposite.
Again, the options for leisure time here are limitless, and the sun-filled courtyard merely adds to the luxurious feel of this modern home.In the evening the ‘lilypads’ come to life; the structures shining bright as the lavish interior is enjoyed. The lack of any physical boundaries allows a limitless freedom and an indulgence in the beautiful feel of nature, while the interiors expansive and modern touch gives a feeling of luxury.

Naiztat + Ham Architects designed a loft interior in Manhattan, New York. This 3600 square foot loft in the Union Square Area of Manhattan exemplifies the industrial era it was born out of. Its tall vaulted ceilings, structural steel columns, floor-through configuration and open feel is combined with comfortable furnishings and spacious, luxurious living.
The main seating area is a prime example of the relaxing, spacious living that this house exudes. The black and red furnishings create an attractive clash of colours, while the large amount of potential seating allows for privacy or sociability, whichever is required. The exposed brick walls and ceilings of this interior also provide the home with a natural, traditional feel, though it strays from this with its luxurious, modern furnishings and utilisation of space.
The artificial lighting of this interior is also gloriously executed, as the light bounces off the sleek, shiny flooring and around the room, creating a beautiful ambience. The dining area is spacious enough for plenty, and is another example of the refined, traditional aspects that the architect has attempted to implement. The kitchen area is juxtaposed with the traditional aspects as it is strictly modern. The sleek finish gives off a luxurious feel once more.

7 Union Square Loft by Naiztat + Ham Architects
Naiztat+Ham építészek egy egyedülálló loftot terveztek Manhattanben, New Yorkban.
A közel 340 m2 alapterületű, Manhatten Union Square negyedében található loft, azt az ipari korszakot szemlélteti, amelyből kinőtte magát. A magas boltozatos mennyezete, szerkezeti acél oszlopai és áthidalói, szintek közötti tagoltsága, és hatalmas nyitott terei kombinálva kényelmes bútorokkal, minden hátteret megad a pazar életmódhoz.A hatalmas és tágas társalgó összefonódik a konyhával és az étkezővel,ezzel tökéletes színhelyet teremt az egyedüllét és a társasági élet számára egyaránt. A megvilágított téglafalak és a felső ugyancsak natúr tégla mennyezet  természetes, hagyományos életérzést kölcsönöz az otthonnak és remek díszletet ad a konyha és az étkező modern,minimalista bútorzatainak.
Az ebédlőrész éppen elég tágas több ember számára is, és ez egy másik példa arra a kifinomult,exkluzív és értékálló belső megjelenésre, amit az építész megkísérelt létrehozni.

Due to space limitations the new owners, a family of four, decided to heightening the existing bungalow and furthermore to renovate the basic structure. To keep the bungalow’s typical character three single boxes were placed on a cantilevered flat roof, which are connected only by a glass corridor.The new structure creates zones with different qualities: in the south-west a meadow with a small apple tree, in the north a stone paved courtyard with a pine tree and in the east a roof terrace with a magnolia. In one of the new boxes the master bedroom, dressing room and bath room is located. The two other boxes function as personal living room and home office for the landlords.In the first floor nearly all walls and installations were removed, so that a large living room could be created. An open kitchen was placed in the midst of that living area. This floor additionally includes the children’s rooms with dressing room and bathroom.In the ground floor a guest room and an additional apartment is located. By the usage of triple glazed windows and highly effective insulation an energetically optimized building could be realized.

A mai modern városfejlesztés központi témája a tető mint építési terület. Jó példa erre a 60-as években épült W.H. belsőépítész által tervezett üdülőház, amelyet Roger Christ gondolt újra.
Az új tulajdonosok, egy négy fős család, úgy döntöttek hogy a már létező nyaralóházat megnövelik,továbbá helyreállítják, úgy hogy megtartják a nyaralóház tipikus karakterét. Három különálló traktus lett elhelyezve a statikailag  megszilárdított lapos tetőn, amelyeket csak egy üvegfolyosó köt össze. Az új szekciók egyikében a főhálószoba, gardrób és fürdő van elhelyezve.
A másik két rész társalgó nappaliként, és otthoni irodaként szolgál a tulajdonos számára.
Az alső szinten csaknem az egész házat kipucolták, így egy nagy nappali lett kialakítva. A nyitott konyha a nappali területének közepére lett elhelyezve. Ezen a szinten van még a gyerekek szobája, a gardrób és fürdőszobákkal.
A földszinten még egy vendégszoba és azonfelül az apartman található. A háromrétegű üvegbablakok használatával és a nagyon hatékony szigeteléssel egy energiailag kedvezőbb felhasználású épület valósult meg.

Israel-based Lanciano Design have sent us images of an apartment interior they have designed.

Igazán kitűnő munkát végzett az izraeli székhelyű tervező csapat a  Lanciano Design egy appartman lakás átalakítása során.
Letisztult modern formák és vonalak , a világos és a sötét kontrasztjára épített design jellemzi a lakás belsőépítészetét , mégis találkozunk egy egy remekbe szabott rusztikus mobiliával amelyek rendkívül jól beépülnek a térbe.
A sötét kőporcelán padló és a fehér falak összhangja , a beépített magasfényű fehér konyhabútor és falburkolat az előtte felsorakozott textil huzatú sötét színű bárszékekkel mindenképp inspiratív de a rusztikus gerendákból összeállított krómlábas étkezőasztal önmagában is egy fantasztikus mobilia.
A hálószoba berendezésében is ez a zongoraklaviatúra design épült be , sötét padló ,fehér falak és beépített bútorok és ugyancsak sötét kiegészítők  alkotják.

Japanese architect Kimihiko Okada has designed the Toda House in Hiroshima, Japan.
The site is located in a residential area developed on a gentle perch in Hiroshima, overlooking a far view of the Inland Sea and Miyajima. The land of this area is developed into platforms form with several levels. The architecture was requested to have a view over the roof of the neighboring house, standing one level lower, and to consider security, for the site is located at the edge of the residential area, and to leave some space for extension when the client opens a small shop in the future. To respond to the requests, the house is lifted from the ground. Like a bird’s nest, it called up architecture’s primary function of relief from disturbance. The house is open to the view and yet protected from the fear and environment. Slab and roof consists of one continuous plate. The variations of circulation and diverse spatial relations were achieved by placing a penetrating staircase. The extended plate made possible the future extension and softened the impression from the ground level. Spandrel wall changes its height accordingly to the thickness of slab. Together with the slab, the spandrel wall creates the continuous but various environments.

The Sereno House by Jaime Rendon Arquitectos is located in a suburban area of Medellin, Colombia. Capturing extensive views from high up – 2,150 meters above sea level – the modern piece of residential architecture overlooks Valle del Aburra, creating both a permanent visual and sensory connection to the surrounding landscape. The native forest surrounding the dwelling adds freshness and a feeling of freedom to the comfort and modernity seen inside. A white concrete volume on the lower level comprises the social areas, service zones and bedrooms, while the dark cladded stone volume surrounds the master bedroom and the wooden box that serves as a study. These two volumes are connected by a iron built-in bridge. Constructing a simple, uncomplicated layout resulted in offering the inhabitants a fascinating and roomy single family residence. The social areas are split into shaded and sunny spaces – summer brings a duo of shade and sunlight, while the autumn and winter bring south sunlight. Is this what you would consider a dream home high above sea level?

Kolumbiában épült meg ez a kővel burkolt az otthonos minimalizmus stílusjegyeit követő lenyűgöző kilátású családi villa amely tervezője az ugyancsak kolumbiai illetőségű tervező csapat Jaime Rendon Arquitectos.

Chinese design consultancy PAL, designed the Oasis Club, a spa located inside an apartment estate in Chengdu, China.

Cecconi Simone have designed a model unit for a townhouse community in Toronto, Canada.

Description from Cecconi Simone:

    The model for “Trinity Bellwoods Town + Homes” showcases contemporary interior design, imparting a progressive brand identity to this urban-infill project in a market segment crowded with retrograde developments. Cecconi Simone conceived the interiors and custom fixtures for the three unit types within the community – 4.1 meter-wide, 4.6 meter-wide and 5.8 meter-wide. The ground level and third floor of the 4.6 meter unit are represented in the model, in a clean palette of white, black, walnut and yellow. Custom millwork, with alternating closed and open storage, spans the full length of the ground level, generating a continuous, horizontal composition of solids and voids. The stair, kitchen island tower and integrated exhaust hood introduce modulating elements of verticality.
 Subtle millwork details in the kitchen include zero-edge Corian counters, a slotted shelf for standing dishes, back-painted seamless backsplash and integrated appliances. A built-in bench in the dining area is complemented by an integrated ledge in the living area, both with storage below. The master suite features a custom walnut-laminate sleep unit, incorporating a bed, side tables, sofa and display niches with LEDs. The ensuite contains a specially-designed vanity with integrated white Corian sinks, counter and backsplash and open and closed storage cabinets in white and walnut laminate. Custom wall-mounted medicine cabinets are accessed via a pivoting mirror.

Nico Van Der Meulen Architects, a Johannesburg-based studio, has completed the House Serengeti project, a contemporary two-storey home perfectly encapsulating the beautiful South African scenery.Surrounded by gorgeous wildlife and natural beauty providing the house with a stunning modern edge, the House Serengeti really is a juxtaposition of contemporary architecture against traditional scenery; the results being a strikingly attractive residence with endless options. Aside from this spacious garden area, the exterior of the house itself is a contemporary masterpiece, with the South African based studio employing a heavy saturation of box-like shapes, all varying in size.The houses interior exudes a comforting, relaxing, elegant, luxurious feel. The generally bright furnishings clash beautifully and effectively with the dark seating spaces, creating a homely, attractive and bespoke atmosphere. The main living area is combined with the kitchen in a clever open-plan design, opening up the house commendably and furthering the options for privacy or sociability, whichever is desired.The architects aim to capture the South African scenery and emphasise the natural prominence is clear in the bedroom mainly.  With a clever, refined wood material on the wall and a heavy saturation of the colour green combined with beautiful views, the luxury and comfort of this home really is clear to see and experience.

123DV have completed the Villa Veth in Hattem, The Netherlands. The house is situated on a beautiful varied landscape; high, dry, sandy dunes interspersed with heather, willow bushes and grasslands. An ideal setting if you like the outdoors, like the inhabitants of this villa in Hattem.From the outside, this house exudes a feeling of luxury with a sleek, metallic, shiny exterior compiled against a glorious, elegant black piece of attractive architectural design. With this set against a gorgeous green landscape with a striking traditional pebbly path, the juxtaposition between traditional and modern is all too clear to see, and is a brilliantly executed technique. Another piece of traditional architecture is the sleek wooden flooring enacting as a patio, enhancing the amount of space available in this house and blurring the lines between outside and inside; privacy and sociability, which is a stunning modern aspect in itself.
Inside, the house continues with the smooth, glossy finish added to spacious, comfortable and modern rooms. This metallic look enhances a feeling of a futuristic atmosphere, while the use of an open-plan main living area and kitchen is appealing, as is the heavy saturation of glass to augment a stylish feel.With vast spaces, futuristic and stylistic finishes and traditional aspects mixed with contemporary techniques, the Villa Veth really encapsulates the future of luxury living.

MOOARC have recently completed Le Portelet house on the island of Guernsey,UK-  a beautiful, quaint home with a gorgeous view combined with luxury living.
Designed as a new family home, which sits within the wooded slope overlooking Portelet Harbour, this lavish residence mixes natural beauty with refined architecture, with amazing, effective results. The palette of materials blends with the beach setting and mediates between water, earth and sky. The rock side location and beautiful natural atmosphere sets the scene for this luxurious house. MOOARC continue this trend with the exterior of the home, with large windows allowing for natural light to shine through the house, and an attractive wooden material for the houses shell.

The interior follows this luxurious aspect, with a sleek, shiny wooden floor assuming the centrepiece. Beautiful, comfortable seating, tables and lamps are in the main living area, all in the colour black to accentuate the natural lighting. The white walls clash with the black living area, creating a brilliant effective. The most exciting and luxurious aspect of the unsegregated living area and kitchen area however is the rotating fireplace. This modern architectural design is coupled with a hanging façade, leaving the client in no doubt as to the contemporary luxury this house accommodates.

Along with a gorgeous, sleek kitchen area, this home really does shine with luxury, modern living in the perfect location.

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