This project involved the total remodeling of a dilapidated, unremarkable 1950's house on a waterfront property adjacent to Tarben Creek.The challenge was to create a light and airy home on this steep south facing site while maintaining connections to the garden, water and city views.A series of three distinct pavilions were formed linked by two open courtyards allowing the house to gradually step down the site.
The courtyards let sunlight enter the house via the extensive glazing on the northern facades. The transparency and deep modulation of these facades offers protection from summer sunlight while permitting winter light to reach deeply into the house. The courtyards provide access to level gardens and external living spaces so important on such a sloping site.
The waterfront terrace of the original house was maintained to offer a connection to the waterfront garden and the city, water and bridge views beyond. Many existing trees and plants on the site were retained and the landscape design intent is to return the waters edge to its original state.
Stanic Harding nevéhez fűződik ez az eredetileg  1950-ben épült folyóparti villa áttervezése modern kortárs épületté, valamint a belső enteriőr átalakítása a megbízók életvitelének megfelelően.
A program az volt hogy egy könnyű, légies, és modern otthont alakítsanak ki a tervezők, amelyből korlátlan kilátás nyíljon a Tarben folyóra .és a városra.Így alakult ki a három pavilon szerű épületszárny meglépcsőztetve , közöttük pedig ragyogó napsütötte udvarok ,ennek köszönhetően és az óriási ablakoknak, hogy rengeteg napfény ömlik be a házba.Azért a belső enteriőrre is érdemes odafigyelni.

This home in Vienna, Austria was built in the early 80ties. It belongs to a young and prolific entrepreneur who she recently ordered Najjar & Najjar interior decoration of the villa. The owner often works at home and income of its clients there. He also likes Lamborghini design styles and Mac. That’s why interior design has been produced with advanced technologies in mind. The walls were paused to create open space that connects the workspace of the contractor with a lounge, bar and kitchen. Many technical devices such as monitors are integrated into the custom furniture popping and turning on a simple click of the mouse to the laptop. Floors, walls and ceilings are unified with the same material, “Corian”, a composite powder of marble and glass. A large aquarium with a gently computer generated graphic marks a contrast blue in white. LED lighting and audio systems are controlled by the computer, the merger of the digital world with the physical environment inside.
Bécs belvárosában egy 80 as években épült házban valósultak meg a Najjar & Najjar építésziroda álltal megállmodott futúrisztikus és  szinte High Tech enteriőrű luxuslakás . A fényképekről is kitűnik hogy nem csak design elemeiben rugaszkodott el az építész a talajtól hanem szorosan együttműködve IT-s szakemberekkel teljesen Inteligensé varázsolták a lakást nyílván a megrendelő igényei szerint.

That isn’t the first project by october ueda & nakagawa architects in modernistic style. The skew house  also has futuristic interior but Novela exterior hide it better. Although exterior isn’t as simple as it could be besides interesting windows it hasn’t any feautres. It’s just cube.The clients wanted big house so to achieve that on 62.62m2 of building area architects created three stories.
There also was a desire to create interesting space. The house become very unusual inside. Stairs, rooms, built-in furniture – everything has non-traditional form like windows outside. Most rooms are separated just by simple glass. Lack of colors and built-in furniture make the interior very minimalistic. That just add a bit of modernism to the house.
Without doubts owners of the house impressed their neighbors.We do not know they are modernists or savages; we decided to follow their words. This is because we could not find other choices. It is to express our inner reflections to the outside – with small lies (sometimes needs small lies to be a good man). We did not want to surprise good neighbors. Maybe a mask is needed for architecture sometimes to be a good neighbor to hide chimeric desires of architects. The word “NOVELA” means a new story came to the town
   Novela névre halgat ez az érdekes Kocka Ház amely Japánban épült fel  Yokosuka-városban.  Nem ez az első modern épülete az  October Ueda & Nakagawa architects csapatának ,de talán az egyik legkülönlegesebb lakóháza.A 62 m2 alapterületű épület nem adott túl nagy teret az építészeknek, így 3 szinten próbálták megvalósítani azt amit a megrendelő kívánt, mindenképpen a megszokottól eltérő nagy belső terekkel rendelkező különleges modernista házat.Így alakultak ki a belső terek is ahol néhol a  az egyes szobákat is szimpla üvegfalak választják el egymástól , és természetesen a nagyobb helykihasználás érdekében szinte csak beépített bútorok jöhettek szóba.

The Kavel 71 is an L-shaped house in Amsterdam ,designed by NAT Architecten. It occupies the position right between the street an the water. On the street’s side it is low but the side that faces the water is three storeys high. The ground floor is a loft-like space with a timber panel that divides it at zones. This floor is a great place for children to play and for their parents to cook or meet with friends. Two other floors are divided between parents and children and are places where they could found their privacy.
Kavel 71 nevet kapta ez az L alakú, keresztmetszetű tipikus Holland zártsorú beépítésbe illeszkedő  családi minimál villa Amszterdamban amely terveit a NAT építész iroda készítette.
A ház különlegessége ahogy azt a magyarázó ábrák és a fotók is mutatják az L alakú keresztmetszet amely lényege a tervezők szerint hogy az utca felé a ház egy egyszintes ház látszatát kelti a folyó felé viszont megmagasodik és 3 szintessé alakul át és néz szembe a vízzel.

This house is designed by Nicholas Murray and situated in west part of Melbourne, Australia. It was one of the many warehouses in this area but become great contemporary living place. A rustic yet elegant approach was taken to combine the original characteristics of the structure with the refined contemporary lifestyle of its occupants to create a symphony of harmonious contradiction. With a carefully controlled palette of materials, this split level retreat is an epitome of inner city living, commanding a magnificent view over the city and Docklands skyline on its top two levels. The interior is separated for different zones, some of which show almost raw materials while other are covered with modern surfaces.
Nyugat Melbourne-ben talalálható és egy  régi raktár átalakításával létrehozott  elegáns modern "villa " amelynek építészei  Nicholas Murray és építész irodája voltak. Rusztikus és mégis elegáns megközelítésből vizsgálták az építészek a feladatot és azt hiszem jól tették.Az eredeti szerkezet meglévő megmaradó tulajdonságait ragyogóan ötvözték a kifinomult modern életmód álltal megkövetelt fenntarthatósági , funkcionális és design-beli elvárásokkal

 is an UK based company that design customizable garden studios. This garden studio in London is one of their works that shows how passionate the company is about modern and eco-friendly design. It’s prefab in cedar and installed on the site as a guest house nestled amongst the trees. The garden studio features a double-glazed windows, heating, lighting and other things that makes it a perfect backyard addition. There are several other customizable prefab products that company can install for you.
A Londoni székhelyű Studio égész jó kis kerti lakot konstruállt a modern könyezettudatosság és fenntarthatóság jegyében.A cédrus burkolatú,fűtéssel és világítással ellátott studió ház bárhová telepíthető akár a képeken is jól látható az erdő közepére is,höszigetelt nyílászárói ill. falai pedig  bármilyen formára és alakzatra legyárthatók .

While developers Adam DeVito, Rami Hakim, and Blakely Page were researching for their fast-casual concept they happened upon Flurt, a New York frozen yogurt chain with a very cool look, courtesy of local firm Scalar Architecture. They gave principal Julio Salcedo a call, and so Recess, a sculptural space fabricated with rapidly renewable and recycled materials, was born.
"Though the issues at Recess were different [than Flurt], we were happy with a new challenge," says Salcedo. "The design inspiration was all about the embodiment of Recess as a concept—a nuanced sensorial and adaptive environment to recharge and relax."
The space is divided horizontally. The lower half is a patterned surface of Plyboo that constructs a figurative landscape of lean-to-walls, tables, counters and benches. The surfaces are meant to engage customers by ergonomically adapting to the activities of ordering and consuming, enabling customers to both lean and sit. The upper half—built out of fabric and recycled metal—configures a field that sets a mutable backdrop for different activities. Recess also engages the senses through interplay of light and reflection to create different moods responding to music, seasons, and times of the day."The first Recess store is a prototype that is helping the client group develop and solidify their concept and foundations including a focus on local sustainable products," says Salcedo. "There are more locations in the near future that will evolve from these explorations.
   Nagyon megtetszett amikor megláttam a képeket erről a New Yorkban megnyitott Kávézóról ,amelynek belsőépítésze a Scalar architecture volt.Maga az üzlet egy kisérletezés része abban a tekintetben hogy ergonómiailag , vizuálisan és zenei témákban is próbállnak valami különlegeset adni a vendégeknek - a finom kávék  és yoghurtok mellett -   mindezt nagy részben újrahasznosított anyagokból.

Montreal-based Saucier + Perrotte Architects have designed a house in the Laurentian Mountains of Quebec, Canada.This single-family residence and guesthouse is located near the ski hills of Mont-Tremblant in the Laurentian Mountain range about an hour’s drive north of Montréal. Overlooking a verdant mountain landscape and located on the edge of a traditional log house development, the house is uncompromising in its contemporary architectural expression, both reflecting modernity and local building traditions. The house’s three main volumes, dedicated to the three lives of its occupants — eating, sleeping and living — slide on one another along an east-west axis. Pierced obliquely by an interior stair, the superimposed volumes are aligned with the entrance-level pool. A translucent screened outdoor living-room, typical of the region, projects into the woods at the point where the main volumes overlap, and emphasizes the sliding geometry of the project.
A Montreáli székhelyű Saucier + Perrotte Architects nevéhez fűződik ez a Minimal stílusú családi panzió és  lakóhely egyben.Az épület a Mont-Tremblant a Laurentian Hegység közelében található körülbelül egy órányi autóútra északra Montréáltól.  Az épület  hagyományos rönkház tovább fejlesztése,  megalkuvást nem ismerő kortárs építészet kifejezése, amely  a modernsége mellett  a helyi építési hagyományokat is tiszteletben tartja

Batumi Aquarium is inspired by the characteristic pebbles of the Batumi beach – the residue of dynamic seas continually shaping the shorefront throughout millennia. The building will be situated in the port of Batumi and will stand out as an iconic rock formation – visible from both land and sea.
The formation constitutes four self-supporting exhibition areas where each of the four stones represents a unique marine biotype – the Mediterranean, the Black Sea/Red Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Indian Ocean. The four dispersed aquarium exhibitions are connected by a central, multipurpose space including café, auditorium and retail functions with views of the black sea and Batumi beach as scenic backdrop. Visitors gather in the central space to convene, play, eat, shop and relax before continuing their adventures through the exhibitions.
Ezt az érdekes kőkupac formájú épületegyüttest Grúziába  Batumi beach-re tervezte Henning Larsen és építész irodája.Az összesen 2000 m2 alapterületű épület több  óriási Aquariumot foglal magában ahol a Földközi tenger a Vörös tenger , az Égei tenger és az Indiai óceán élővilágát mutatják majd be ,erre ad utalást a négy darab gigantikus kavics is. Mindennek a gyönyörű Batumi tengerpart ad majd kivételes hátteret.

Located in a suburban settlement on Ljubljana's outskirts, House SB is not at all a typical Slovenian single-family house. The architects opted for a patio typology with two wings on different levels framing a small garden area. While the house opens welcomingly towards its surroundings, its street face is almost standoffish. But unlike traditional houses, House SB is not hidden from curious passers-by behind a fence. Instead, the house itself is designed as a fence that keeps street life at distance. The light-filled living area in the upper wing is an open loft space that contrasts with the seclusion of the bedroom area below. At the intersection of these two overlapping volumes one can appreciate the complexity of the house. A rigorous use of materials (the whole house, including pitched roof and terrace, is clad in larch wood planks) and lack of decoration give the architectural concept its strength. Everything unnecessary has been omitted leaving the surfaces smooth and abstract.
Ezt a nem kimondottan tipikus Szlovén stílusú családi házat  Bevk Perovic és építész irodája tervezte Szlovéniába , Ljubljana külvárosába. A szigorú anyaghasználattal kialakított házat úgy tervezték ellentétben a környék házaival hogy nem kifelé hanem inkább befelé éli a saját életét . Nagyszerű és ötletes tömegmegformálás , hagyományos és modern textúrák vegyítése , óriási üvegfelületek teszik izgalmassá és egyedivé az épületet.

Architect Wallace E. Cunningham designed the Razor Residence in La Jolla, California. The house has been listed for sale by the agents at Hurwitz James. Constructed from white polished concrete and floor-to-ceiling glass, this magnum opus suspends the boundaries of ordinary living and commands amazing uninterrupted views of the ocean, open sky and natural landscape. Resting high above Torrey Pines State Reserve, this 11,000-square-foot piece de resistance showcases 4 bedrooms and 6 baths, fabulous two level guest house and features private access to Black’s Beach.
A  Wallace E. Cunninghamtervei álltal tervezett luxus villa  La Jollában , Kaliforniában épült fel egy gyönyörű kilátással bíró sziklaszirtre az óceán partjára.Az épület az óriás  padlótól a mennyezetig érő ablakainak köszönhetően szinte zavartalan kilátást biztosít.a belső enteriőr szinte a végletekig letisztult, kissé rideg betonfelületek uralják a tereket ,viszont talán javít a helyzeten hogy jól össze van kombinálva az otthonos mobiliákkal.

These ideas can come in handy for those thinking to remodel their bathrooms or for those who are building them up from scratch. Either way, these beautiful bathroom designs can work wonders for your home. There is nothing better to calm those jittery nerves than a soothing bath. Scented candles, refreshing salts and oil and some music in the background are sure to revitalize your senses. However, your experience will be incomplete without a perfect bathroom set.These designs have a rich mix of serene colors and textures that help you enjoy the perfect bath.

Összeszedtünk néhány fürdőszoba kialakítás ötletet a nagyvilágból amelyek véleményünk szerint inspirációt adhatnak a leendő vagy tervezendő fürdőszobájuk kialakításához

This modern apartment interior design is located on level 16 of a circular 18 storey high tower in Darling Point, Sydney and takes up the whole floor. Designed with modern touch and applying luxury interior design trends by Stanic Harding, this latest interior design project by the designer was designed to maximize 360 degree potential views of the harbour, its bridge and the Opera House in Sydney.These modern apartment interior spaces are radial than orthogonal with every room corner has as good connection to full window bays as possible. The ceiling treatment in the public spaces is designed to enhance this circular sense by installing thin, flush fitting fluorescent strips radiating out to the perimeter. This provides for a stronger and cleaner ceiling plane that is contributing to the quality of the space. The central core responds to the perimeter with the curved surface made up of beautifully finished panels upholstered in a padded wool fabric. These are either fixed or are secret doors to storage or robe areas. Vertical strip lighting located at set centres divide panels and provide feature or mood lighting.
 Ezt a modern luxuslakást Sidney-ben található a Darling Point toronyház 16. emeletén belsőépítésze pedig Stanic Harding és építész irodája. A toronyház kör alaprajzából adódóan a lakásban is magától érthetődően ívek közé rendeződött a lakás enteriőre.Az óriási üvegfelületeken keresztül pedig mivel a lakás szinte az egész szintet elfoglalja  360 fokos kilátás nyílik a Sidney Operára ill a kikötőre.

A cool design for tricky terrain (no pun intended) the Robert Trickey House  on Big Island is a modern Hawaiian house nestled on lavaflow with the ocean splayed at its feet. A more-perfect spot could not possibly exist for this gorgeous 6,200-sq.-ft. house, designed by Architect Craig Steely. The house consists of two volumes – a single-storey studio and a separate two-level home – wrapped in glass for maximum views. Residents and guests cross a bridge stretching across the pool and to a large 40-by-40-ft. deck, leading to a cut lava entrance that welcomes you home. Opening onto the deck are the glass-enclosed living room, dining room, kitchen and a guest room. Taking you upstairs, a cantilevered mango-wood staircase leads to the master bedroom, bathroom and study. Visible from the home’s deck, the Kilauea crater glows red by night.

Ezt a Modern minimál stílusú házat Craig Steely.tervezte Hawwaii-hoz tartozó Big Island egy máig is működő vulkán megszilárdult  lávafolyamának közepébe , az óceán partjára.És ha mind ez nem elég az üvegfallal körbevett nappaliból láthajuk a Kilauea vulkán lávafolyamát nappal és ami még csodálatosabb este is.

Construction cranes can be seen all over Manhattan and construction has just begun on one the cities latest architectural inspirations located in trendy Tribeca. “Five Franklin Place” by Dutch architect Ben van Berkel of UNStudio has all the marking of a hit in the Big Apple. Architecturally interesting, dark, sleek and ever so slightly subtle with its visual impact, this space cleverly uses its staggered black metal facade to obscure the activities of its residence, unlike most fishbowl style glass towers we are used to seeing. The interior takes some interesting design direction as well. Van Berkel adds “The apartments at Five Franklin Place do not follow a strong grid. They are organically designed in how the stairs swoop upward, how the balcony loops you back indoors. There’s an idea of looping around the apartments, without many dead ends, so that all of the space really accommodates life and the flow of life.”
the building will contain 55 apartments ranging in size from approximately 1,200 square feet to approximately 3,400 square feet. There will be three types of home: the loft residences on the lower floors, city residences above and three sky penthouses. Fixtures for kitchens and bathrooms have been designed by van Berkel and manufactured by B&B Italia.

Nemsokára elkészül New York egyik Trendi városrészébe Tribecába a Five Franklin Place névre halgató " Lakótorony" amely terveit Ben van Berkel és az UN Studio szállította.Az épület érdekessége az aszt körbefogó és azt látványilag össztartó fekete metál acél szalag amely egyedi arculatot ad az épületnek.Az épületben 55 Appartman , városi rezidenciák több Loft és 3 Sky Penthouse, és egy Wellnes központ kapott helyet.

Beetle's house is the name for the raised home designed by japanese architect Terunobu Fujimori which is currently on display as part of ‘1:1 - architects build small spaces’ at the V&A museum in London. The small dwelling sits in the museum’s medieval & renaissance room, high atop its pillared structure. The design is clad in rich black charred pine beams that no doubt reference the colour of the beetle. This type of wood creates a unique texture that preserves the wood and extends the building’s lifespan. The structure, like fujimori’s other works is intended to by-pass all architectural styles that have developed since the bronze age, returning the act of living to a more primitive state. This home is designed to host an english version of the traditional japanese tea ceremony. Its is only accessible through a small hatch in the floor which visitors enter from a ladder. The Beetle house in Video
Bogár ház , ezt a nevet a Japán építésztől  Terunobu Fujimori-tól kapta ez a kis faház amelyet Londonban építettek fel a V&A múzeumban. A lábakon álló fekete fenyő design-ba öltözött háznak tényleg találó a neve , a tervező célja műveivel hogy megkerüljön minden építészeti stílust és visszatérjen a gyökerekhez a majdnem primitív állapothoz.Minden esetre nagyon egyedi amit művelt.  The Beetle house in Video

The Lima Residence located on the edge of a natural preserve this house takes full advantage of the uninterrupted natural landscape that it faces in Calabasas, California. This modern and beautiful residence created by Abramson Teiger Architects.
A series of connected folding roof and wall planes clad in metal were strategically positioned to accentuate views of the canyon below and mountains beyond. At points the folded walls lift up revealing poured-in-place concrete walls that enclose much of the first floor spaces. Views to the nature preserve are thus framed. The compound consists of the main house building and the garage/guest room building which are separated by a courtyard. The house form is a rectangle, in plan, with the long side composed of large glass doors and windows that face the view. The open plan features living spaces with a high ceiling and clear story windows that allow soft filtered light to enter the room. The primary axis of the rectangular living spaces is intercepted by a minor axis formed by two solid linear forms; a “wood box” and a “concrete wall”. These elements frame a patio, the kitchen and terminate with the formal dining room. Sliding glass pocket doors open to unify these exterior and interior spaces thus creating an open cross axis through the primary rectangle of the main house.

Az Abramson Teiger Architects építészei tervezték ezt a Lima Rezidencia fantázianévvel ellátott modern Villa épületet amelyet 2009-ben felyeztek be Kaliforniában Calabsas-ban.
A ház egy természetvédelmi terület szélére épült így noha formailag ill. struktúrájában egy modern minimál stílusú épületről beszélünk anyaghasználatában mégis megjelenik a fa elég nagy hagsúllyal  és a kő is bár a beton és a fekete zinklemez az uralkodó anyaghasználat az mégse érezzük tolakodónak.
A belső enteriőrt is a világos szellős és modern formavilág és anyaghasználat jellemzi , nagyszerű megoldás a nyersbeton falak közé épített wenge színű konyhapult és a külső homlokzati fa falburkolat beúszása a belső térbe. Összeségében egy izgalmas , modern hangvételű és szerethető mozgalmas architektúrával rendelkező házról van szó.

In Ho Chi Minh city has newly opened the Runway boutique, a over 1000 square meters contemporary store, fully dedicated to luxury.designed by the Italian architecture office CLS architetti.
Ez az 1000 m2 alapterületű különleges belső enteriőrrel rendelkező üzlet  Ho Chi Minh város egyik Plázájában nyitott meg elkövetői pedig az olasz designer csapat a CLS Architetti ,

Located in Oakland, California, on a down-sloping site high above the San Francisco Bay, this home was designed to capture the magnificent vistas spanning from the Bay Bridge to the Golden Gate Bridge. Floor-to-ceiling glass clears the way to unobstructed views. The predominantly south-southwest orientation required deep overhangs to cut down glare and soften the light quality in the home.
Spare and rigorously Modern in its aesthetic, the home has only a handful of materials and even fewer colors. Concrete floors, steel and glass window systems, and a mostly white composition of cabinetry and furnishings define the minimalist composition. Color is introduced subtly through blue plaster, landscaping, artwork and the dramatic views. The plaster, a meticulously trowelled herring bone scratch coat, has the illusory effect of a shimmering metal finish.
The building’s bowed walls – an hourglass in plan – are a response to the client’s desire for curvilinear forms as well as a strategy to satisfy municipal setback regulations. Rather than require that the entire building be set back a certain distance from property lines, city planners allowed the clients to average the home’s setback distance. The curves also serve to create a visual compression, which has the effect of a volume being squeezed in the center and exploding to the view on the glazed façade.
Ez a Homokóra alaprajzú minimál stílusú villa a Kanner Architects tervei alapján készült Oakland-ben, Kaliforniában.Az épületből a hatalmas padlótól a mennyezetig érő üvegfelületeken keresztül lélegzetelállító kilátás nyílik a San Francisco öbölre és a Golden Gate Hídra.
A ház külső és belső megjelenésében is teljesen letisztult , minimal stílusúra hangolták.A belső enteriőr a beton padlóval és a fehér falakkal, megfelelően otthonosra hangolt mobiliákkal, az az itt ott elcsepegtetett világos fa berendezések  kiválló egységet alkotnak.A ház exteriőre a nagy üveg felületekkel, a homokóra alaprajzával, a halszálka mintás homlokzat vakolatával hű marad a megszokott minimál villa elvárásokhoz.

Nico Van Der Meulen Architects is a team of architects registered with the Board of South Africa and they have a portfolio of truly impressive. We will let you enjoy the pictures now and all the elements that make this house a dream crib.
Located on a 4000 sq.m. site and with a total built up are of 2500sq.m., this luxury house in Johannesburg, South Africa, is everything but humble. Nico Van Der Meulen Architects  designed this modern home according to the owner’s requirements: glamorous contemporary open-plan light-filled house that offers a view to the garden from every room. Indoor and outdoor areas are combined to optimize flexibility and comfort, and the house’s lighting makes the views even more spectacular. Looks like the perfect home for a star, doesn’t it?
A Nico Van Der Meulen Architects álltal tervezett 2500 m2-se modern luxus villa Johannesburgban épült fel egy 4000 m2- es telekre.
Ami a képekről is jól látható hogy a kiváló kortárs villa design mellett óriási hangsúlyt fektettek a kertre is, amelyet a ház szinte minden ablakából csodálhatunk.A ház belső enteriőre is megfelelő hangsúlyt kapott , s mint anyaghasználatában, mint vezérvonalaiban kicsit merev   külső exteriőrt a belső tervezés során nagymértékben lágyították ,sok trópusi fa , természetes kő használattal élhető , bensőséges , mégis modern miliőt kaptak.

This is D2 Baraquada Design hotel in Pattaya .from DWP . 72 rooms with fresh design, is a cozy and vibrant twist of modern thai sophistication.
In true dusitD2 fashion, style meets substance in this award-winning* hotel in Thailand, and delightful surprises abound at every corner.
A bold experiment mixing the traditional with the contemporary, dusitD2 baraquda pattaya is an effervescent boutique hotel concept that combines thai flair with international standards creating a simply irresistible experience.This dusit hotel subscribes to images that sizzle. bold yet understated. colourful yet minimal. cool but cozy. sleek cool lines blend with appealing shapes and textures that accentuate the themes of water, air and light. the design is thoughtful, uplifting, relaxing and exudes an urbane touch weaving its way through the rooms, suites, pool, spa, lounges, restaurant and bars.
From DWP: As the world changes, so new lifestyles emerge, whether in the arenas of city living, dynamic retail concepts, or escapes from the city for relaxation and pleasure. dwp tracks the trends and changes impacting on our daily lives while evaluating how demographic patterns and social structures influence today’s living, leisure, and hospitality.
2009 év végén nyílt meg ez a 72 szobás design hotel a  D2 Baraquada amit a DWP építész iroda tervezett Pattaya belvárosába.A hotel enteriőrére jellemző hogy a  a hagyományos Thai ill. Ázsiai kultúrát vegyíti napjaink kortárs belsőépítészeti elemeivel .Hangulata színes mégis minimál közegben érezhetjük magunkat.A fő témák a víz a levegő és a fény amelyek vonzó formákban és textúrákban keverednek.

The spectacular Brentwood Residence in Los Angeles combines two California traditions – contemporary architecture and alfresco living – in a 12,000-sq.-ft. space. Completed in 2007 by Belzberg Architects, this modern house design boasts a simple exterior of geometric lines and a crisp, white facade framing windows from the ground up. The perfectly manicured lawn abuts a stone patio and pool area – it wouldn’t be “California” without it. Outdoor lounging areas lead into the house via floor-to-ceiling windows, enhancing the large and sunny spaces. Inside, a predominantly cool, white color palette is warmed up by the rich, wood floors, wood accents and a lustrous wooden glass-encased staircase leading to the luxurious private living areas upstairs.
Ezt a Látványos és modern építészeti elemeket felvonultató villát a Belzberg Architects követte el és 2007- ben épült fel Los Angelesben.Egyszerű külső geometriai elemek , tiszta fehér falfelületek és elegáns belső enteriőr ,plafonokig érő ablakok ,medence és tökéletesen ápolt pázsit teszik teljessé az igazi Californiai álomházat.

We all know the level of details that CG artists are able to achieve today with sophisticated 3D softwares and renderers. In this post, we feature a set of inspirational renders that showcase the brilliance that exist in this industry. Most of the houses shown below are in the midst of dreamy fairy tale environments that add a bit of drama to each visual. Take a look.

Bemutatunk néhány egészen különleges 3D fotorealisztikus látványtervet amelyek nem csak  a renderelés minőségében és kidolgozottságában , hanem építészetileg is egészen magas színvonalat képviselnek.


Miami, FL based architectural office Max Strang Architecture, completed the renovation for a residence which is located in Miami’s oldest neighborhood, Coconut Grove.  The residence was constructed in the 1980’s and is surrounded by flourishing tropical gardens.  The house had experienced two prior renovations and was quite mature for a design overhaul.  It is remarkable that the contemporary exterior of this residence served as a great catalyst for a more updated modern interior.Strang, who is a Coconut Grove resident as well, wanted to redesign this house while keeping the exterior and give it a fresh new uplifted look.   The interior of the house was completely gutted out and redesigned by Strang and his associates to reveal a modern and fashionable feeling.  The glass-block partitions from the previous renovation were removed and the beige ‘popcorn stucco’ was scraped from almost every surface imaginable.  New wiring, plumbing, and central air were installed while several major interior structural walls were reconfigured and random window alignments were given order to create a clean design for the exterior.

A Miami székhelyű  Max Strang Architecture  nevéhez fűződik Ez a Minimal Modern Villa felújítás ill. áttervezés.Az 1980 ban épült épületet átszabták a mai kor izlésvilága szerint , belső csöveken és vezetékektől a nyílászáró átalakításáig ill cseréjéig.A végeredmény egy letisztult modern design amely az óriási üvegfelületeivel lenyűgöző látványt nyújt .

The Yellow Tree House stands 10 meters up a Redwood tree in a forest near Warkworth, north of Auckland, New Zealand.  The project was part of a marketing campaign for the Yellow Pages.  Claiming they can “get anything done” Yellow commissioned Pacific Environment Architects to design the treetop restaurant.  The company then posted an ad for an everyday person to run the project and host the restaurant.

Ezt az érdekes és meghökkentő étterem kialakítást a Pacific Environment Architects követte el Észak Auckland-ben , Új Zélandon .Maga tervezés előzménye  egy pályázat volt amelyet a helyi Yellow Pages írt ki a Környezettudatos építés jegyében, hát így került az étterem 10 m magasságban  fa tetejére.

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